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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all,

just wondering on how much conversation / traffic to expect on my boats radio ive been out prob 4 times now and prob only heard 3 chats in total including scrolling through the channels for any chat and nothing,i heard one radio check on 16 to the coast guard loud and clear,channel 6 for club members and nothing ever,squelch to minimum,not too sure on any other settings,i was thinking maybe an antenna issue.


any ideas




I often just listen on the handheld when at home in Parkstone, there is almost always something interesting going on.


i.e a couple of days ago within the space of a couple hours there was a PAN PAN from a Yacht with fuel problems getting into the Solent, CG weather checks, lots of Marina talk, a Mayday from a Motor cruiser off Swanage and another Mayday from a well known Poole charter boat involved in a collision with a yacht.


There ARE quiet periods but there is generally a fair bit going on.


Definitely get your radio/antenna checked.


hi brian

im at home in sunbury near heathrow at the mo but ive got a week off in poole starting on 23rd july with my boat maybe we can hook up then ?

is there a weather channel that transmits all the time

and is it rx and tx or hi /lo buttons would they affect reception ?


I had the same,but people could hear me but I couldn`t hear them,so now fitted a second unit and aerial,so I will compare the 2 at w/e




Call the coast guard on 67 and ask for a radio check. If the weather is nice then CH6 is usually chatty - if not club members then some yachties (Dragon Slayer is a personal favourite of mine!) and some annoying charter boats from teh Solent.


Hi\Low is your transmit power - if you are within a couple of miles of the person you are speaking to use Lo power.


Rx \ Tx I think are Receive and Transmit - but I might be mistaken.


Weather for west of wight is ch 86 but only every 4 hours I think. You will be notified on CH16 before any weather broadcast.





Posted (edited)

Um Radio course perhaps???


Don't forget it's an offence to transmit without a licence.


Rx Receive Tx Transmit




Edited by biggcol


When you get the hang of it, you'll be reaching for the 'off' or low volume switch, as some potters use Ch6 as a cheap alternative to the mobile phone... not to mention Ron Bundy if you are ever near the IOW..... he's a legend in everyone elses day off. laugh.gif







I've a pm with my phone numbers.

Give me a call and we'll arrange to meet up and check things out while you're down here.

I've got a spare antenna and a couple of spare radios, if need be you can borrow one, so one way or the other we'll get you working.




Sounds like the same problem I had, but Brian came round with his magic box of tricks and sorted it out in no time. Just needed the RF aerial connection re-made with new connector, the down side is I can now hear Ron's chat as well.


Gordon H

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


just an update,i replaced my olf vhf setup inc aerial with the newer DSC type,done my VHF course and my powerboat level 2,i tried it all out today launched from cobbs only had one mackerel,but ive got the boat and radio sorted so now i can concentrate more on the fishing,nice to see you out there brian,you had already cought lots more than me by lunch time,did you get any for the pot.



Posted (edited)

Hi Mark


Glad you've got the radio sorted, you were certainly loud and clear.


Had about 18 Bass, only one takable, just eaten it.

Caught it by Brownsea Castle, but it got a bit bumpy for my crew, so we came back in by the fuel barge to try for plaice, but too much weed.

We were using up the last of the bait when you passed us in Hole Bay.

Edited by Brian

nice one brian

i will be out again tomorrow,from baiters this time,cant afford davis's all the time

just nice to be out there while ive got the week off work

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