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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Not sure what it is about the Southampton Boat Show, but it's never really appealed to me, and so have never attended. Your summary only strengthens my feeling.


The Pirate 21 got a good write up on one of the mags recently. Did you get the package price, and where can you go to see one (apart from the show)?


Bob F.



Glad you got your plotter Alan - Youll be well pleased with the 182C. I had a look at the smaller colour unit and wasnt really impressed - the extra money is worth spending.


Ref windows.


Ziplex has sent me a sample of some 5mm solar bronze perspex - it is the nutts, and is better than the Warrior stuff IMHO. A sheet 2050 x 1520 is


When I worked with perspex years ago, I had to use really fine saws, whether hand or band. Any thing too course will just rips it apart.


If you use a router, I would suggest doing it a little at a time, better still try one on a piece of off cut (the sample they sent you).


DIY seems the way to go then?....


The tinted stuff IMO is far better than clear. It gives UV protection to gear inside the boat, makes driving on bright days easy and makes the overall look of the boat far better - and as you say, if from Warrior it would be tinted anyhow.


The largest sheet is 3000 x 2000mm. This was



We weren't shopping for a boat... so only a cursory look at them... I still like the look of the Warrior 175... we also had a bit longer look at Arvor stand - my mate's talking about getting 3-4 of us together to buy a boat... not sure???

The Arvor 25 is a very nice boat. Roomy yet very manovurable.


Been out fishing on John Shegg's Arvor 25 from Lymington, a bit of a squeeze for 6 but lovely for 5 including skipper.

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