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Hi James


If Chris Holloway, he is one of our club members, comes to our meeting on Thursday, I am sure he will give us run down on the AT as he is one of local reps.




  Coddy said:
Hi James


If Chris Holloway, he is one of our club members, comes to our meeting on Thursday, I am sure he will give us run down on the AT as he is one of local reps.




Should be there, but remind me to kick you in shins or worse

  cth said:
  Coddy said:
Hi James


If Chris Holloway, he is one of our club members, comes to our meeting on Thursday, I am sure he will give us run down on the AT as he is one of local reps.




Should be there, but remind me to kick you in shins or worse

Hi Chris, now the meeting is cancelled any chance you could post an update here , , Please, ,


ps , ,i dont really want a kick in the nuts huh.gif





AT are gearing up to entice Kayak members

http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?secti...ctionTitle=Sign up for our new Angling Trust Kayak membership


Lots more info on their website



Our club is an affiliate member and provide us (the club) with our insurance plus a voice to the powers that think they be dry.gif




Martin , where you quote "Our club is an affiliate member and provide us (the club) with our insurance plus a voice to the powers that think they be "


does this mean as a club member we are insured too ?






  seagypsy said:
Martin , where you quote  "Our club is an affiliate member and provide us (the club) with our insurance plus a voice to the powers that think they be "


does this mean as a club member we are insured too ?



No, the club and its officers have the insurance to cover the club activities.

Individuals will have insurance from the AT only if they are individual members



Posted (edited)

  cth said:
  Coddy said:
Hi James


If Chris Holloway, he is one of our club members, comes to our meeting on Thursday, I am sure he will give us run down on the AT as he is one of local reps.




Should be there, but remind me to kick you in shins or worse

Sorry did'nt make meeting last night, cold all day at work got home changed had tea in warm armchair, woke up 8.30pm, found out today meeting cancelled.

Edited by cth
Posted (edited)

  seagypsy said:
  cth said:
  Coddy said:
Hi James


If Chris Holloway, he is one of our club members, comes to our meeting on Thursday, I am sure he will give us run down on the AT as he is one of local reps.




Should be there, but remind me to kick you in shins or worse

Hi Chris, now the meeting is cancelled any chance you could post an update here , , Please, ,


ps , ,i dont really want a kick in the nuts huh.gif




Well there seems a misunderstanding that AT headoffice has a huge staff base, but it not set up like that, The country is set up with Regions who nominate 2 people to sit on the marine committee (AT) there is also the AT board made up by the chairman of each of the fishing sections ie. fresh water,sea, and the rest, The Local committees look after there own region we do have expert advice from the legal arm of AT called fish legal and a campaigns officer who will deal with any local or national issues,

But its important that we do support the local region with representives, we have been successful lately in nominating a chap to sit on the southern sea fisheries committee who will represent angling for the next 3 years in the middle of the commercials fighting for your rights, we also have a representive on balanced seas and finding sanctuary the govenment funded consulation process part of the marine bill, we have now just been asked if we would support a ban on trawing and scalloping in the area for 3 miles from the shore line, subject to seeing the consultion paper later we will of course agree. We have people now sat as stateholders on the various harbour committees locally. we do run a few competitions for the member clubs but conservation is top of the agenda.

We also requested that Fish legal blocked the move to ban bait digging in fareham creek, they took on Natural England blocked them with a threat of a judicial review NT gone a bit quiet on that one but it is still there and being looked at.


We are also now working with ADB (angling development board) on setting up the new county action groups (CAGs)for short which will take angling in to schools.




Chris Holloway Chairman of Wessex Region AT.

Edited by cth

Thanks Chris, many important issues there affecting us/me and given the AT's wide brief, certainly appears they could do with the support.


Am, however, worried that this may be the thin end of the wedge regarding regulation & restriction, particularly relating to Kayak fishing. Up to now we've existed quite happilly 'below the radar' laugh.gif


Can't influence these things from the outside though sad.gif






  Overrun said:
Thanks Chris, many important issues there affecting us/me and given the AT's wide brief, certainly appears they could do with the support.


Am, however, worried that this may be the thin end of the wedge regarding regulation & restriction, particularly relating to Kayak fishing. Up to now we've existed quite happilly 'below the radar' laugh.gif


Can't influence these things from the outside though sad.gif




News letter




We have now launched the Angling Trust kayak fishing membership package and initially publicised it to all members of the Anglers Afloat kayak fishing forum who have been instrumental in helping to put this together (see text below that was sent as a personal message to all members of the forum). We will be feeding news of this to the web and print media over the coming days and various angling journalists are preparing to write features. Please take a few minutes to make yourself aware of the membership benefits in case anyone asks you about it. There is now a Kayak Fishing section on the Angling Trust website which you can find here http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?secti...ak%20membership


If you have any media contacts who would be interested in publicising this please pass the details on. There is a specific kayak fishing option that needs ticking when members join that allows us to track them as a unique group.


Many kayak anglers have said they will give us a year's membership to see whether they believe it is worthwhile. The hard work starts here...


I will be including news of this in this month's e-update to all sea angling members.


If John could be kind enough to add it to the agenda for next week's marine committee meeting any questions relating to this could be answered then.


Kind regards,





The dark nights and bad weather are here, but don


Thanks Paul, can't pretend that I'm not totally naive of these organisations and what they stand for & achieve, hence the question.


As for the training courses, 100 % behind Darnsarf and fully understand the reasons for seeking this alliance.


Your reference to Assassin's Afloat is quite accurate, extended discussion & debate may well have ended in a bun fight. Reference Chris's post and the announcement concerning the AT & 'working closely with the AnglersAfloat team', clearly most of the team were not involved, hence the ructions at team level.


Thanks again for your reply.


Chris can you explain this please


What we could do with more resources:


Lead the development of a clear, enforceable policy in each catchment with regard to navigation rights.

Monitor illegal boating activity and web sites promoting access to areas where no permission exists.

Commission independent research into the impact of boating on the environment of rivers.

Lobby and campaign for registration of canoes and enforcement of navigation agreements


this was taken from this page




Does this mean you want to see all canoes/kayaks liecenced

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