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The other thread has got me wanting a set of these now!


Seems Rok-Max is one of the only places in the UK to get them... but anyone thought of buying fromt the US? - Seems they are about the same price in dollars?

Really? Was thinking Ebay US - posted as a warrenty return? Shouldnt incur extra fees?

I used to buy lots of stuffs from the us, when the exchange rate was 1.8-2.0 and it was really worthwhile, plus you seem to get taxed less often than not.

Somehow the tax office must have got wind of how much stuff was coming in untax, they became very strict with all the packets coming in was taxed more often than not. plus the exchange rate dropped, it just wasn't while the hazzle.

However, if you know anyone going over there, it might be worthwhile to do it.

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