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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After cancelling yesterday's trail-away and having a charter trip blown-off today...


I need to get the boat wet... and try out the new chart plotter!!! (It's not much fun sat on my driveway - nothing moves).


I've got a day off Friday, so me and my (now retired) mate are planning to come down your way.


We'd be glad of any advice / marks / company... either Christchurch or Poole - I'm easy!


Fairly small tide... HW 7:22am (Poole Entrance).





May be able to get out one evening but not during the day. I may be out at about 5 on Friday are you staying Late?


As for marks what do you intend fishing for?


Tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif


How rude of me


Anyone care to join me Wed or Friday if the boys don't fancy a night trip?

sorry but that part about the kids may make it a bit short notice.


Maybe a conger bash inshore. !!!!! ???????? wink.gif





Count me in for either wednesday or friday charlie, Im off all day wed but have to work all day friday,Just let me know if theres space biggrin.gif



Arr change of plan for wed, weather is looking realy good so might have to take tara out for the day .Any one want to crew?

May go bass fishing or ray fishing depending on the tides biggrin.gif





As for marks what do you intend fishing for?


Tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif

Hmmmm... fishing for???????


You mean you don't just dangle a worm over the side and wait and see what comes along?? biggrin.gif


Sorry... must not be flippant!


Firstly, there's been a change of plan.... we will now be coming on Thursday.


I think we will opt for Poole... I know where Baiter Slip is and what to expect! It's a small tide, will Baiter be OK?


As for species, I'm open to suggestions... I'm relying on your collective local knowledge to point us in the right direction.





If you have the time for a chat after you launch pop in to the Parkstone Yacht Club Yacht Haven and I will try and give you a few pointers/marks.


If you bring worm and squid you will not go far wrong. there were mackerel about last week.


Call me on my mobile which is on the Club list if you want to take up the offer and I will tell you how to get in.



Charlie biggrin.gif

If you have the time for a chat after you launch pop in to the Parkstone Yacht Club Yacht Haven and I will try and give you a few pointers/marks.


If you bring worm and squid you will not go far wrong. there were mackerel about last week.


Call me on my mobile which is on the Club list if you want to take up the offer and I will tell you how to get in.



Charlie biggrin.gif

OK... thanks Charlie, I'll take you up on your offer.


Did you mean to ring you prior to, or on Thursday morning?





If you use my mobile No, call me when you arrive at baiter if you like.

I should be at the Club all day.


If you motor accross to the Haven I will try and show you a few spots to try on your plotter.


Mike, you [and your biscuits of course] are always welcome to pop in. I can not guarantee that I will not be involved in something for work, but lets not let work get in the way of a coffee and a fishing chat.


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Rich and I will probably be out on Friday for the 1st Cod trip of the year.


Launching from Wick, anyone else fancy it? Ill give a call on the radio anyway.




Charlie...............I think our trip is orf, as Adam has about twenty tonnes of Scalps in front of BW, so unless I nip over and bring a barrow........theres no chance of a trip out today. Will bell Adam after brekkie, and see if we can squeeze something out.




Ps, If youre still going out after work, and the boys arent up for the trip out, If you want crew, I'm well uo for an evening sesh...............getting withdrawl!!!!!!!


Went out after work with Daniel


Did not fancy the steam to Swanage as the forecasts were all giving increasing wind and it was already pretty choppy in the swash.


Finished up on Bournmouth rocks, lots of wrasse, pout, poor cod and a cuttle fish.


Best fish Cuckoo wrasse of 1lb 9oz, a beautiful fish, as colourful as any tropical fish and just 1oz under the Club record.


after Dark Daniel felt ill so we came in after only two hours, which is why I do not invite others when the boys come out.

That and the fact I had not read rich's post until I got back.


another time mate


Charlie biggrin.gif

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