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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It was great fishing in the sunshine yesterday so im going to do it again today. Good to put some faces to names yesterday. Hope to do better today. Say hello if your about. Lofty


Hi Lofty

Good to meet you on the water yesterday. We finished the day with no less than 6 Plaice between us 4 for Dave and 2 for me, 3 returned.

Stayed in the same area before returning about 5pm. Hope you caught also, Good fishing

Alan (dainichi)

Hi Lofty

Good to meet you on the water yesterday. We finished the day with no less than 6 Plaice between us 4 for Dave and 2 for me, 3 returned.

Stayed in the same area before returning about 5pm. Hope you caught also, Good fishing

Alan (dainichi)


I hope you left some for Sunday!!! biggrin.gif

cool.gif Blankety blank both days but some great weather and good paddling. met some kayak spear fishing divers today (extreme) and they told me its very queit down there,so well done for your efforts.Going to pick your brains thursday.Is it only me or does anyone else want to fire rocket propelled grenades at jetskis? mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif Lofty cool.gif
.Is it only me or does anyone else want to fire rocket propelled grenades at jetskis? mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif Lofty cool.gif

I've often thought I should have acquired a torpedo tube from work. unsure.gifunsure.gif

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