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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I hope to be out and about


Wendy is away at her dads and I just have to work Sat am, so its a matter of getting a bit organised with the boys.


we may try for some bream




Martin our intentions were to do the Cowes weekend and we still might????????? ohmy.gif But I need to run Abode out and make sure we can still catch fish on her.


Nigel if we don


Probably have to work sat am so Sunday is the day.

My friggin radios are still rubbish at receiving so if I don't answer I'm not being rude it's just that I can't hear you.But I'll probably be on the ledge or there abouts



Nige at least inshore our phones work so we can still talk


Its down to transport with us as wendy will have the bigger car


but I am sure I can arrange something. Last weekend wetted the apetite




Frisky will be fully crewed Saturday and itching to go for the bream.


Thinking of popping round Anvil Point westwards, and see what's happening there. It'll be over 2 hours for me, so no rush!


Any reports from there yet?


Might have space on Sunday if anyone fancies a slow boat.




I'm hoping to be out one of those days but not sure which yet. It will depend on the weather as I'll have both the little ones onboard.


I just want to try and find something for their first catch ever! I can't wait to see their little faces. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Hope your first outing is fruitful Craig.




I'm going to Beaulieu Boat Jumble Sunday to see if any theiving gits are flogging a load of cheap reels!


Boat finally back in the water Monday, so hopefully ready for the Easter week end and beyond.




Dream drifter will be out both days biggrin.gif starting on the patch and then the ledge. I hope to be out on the marks just after 10.00 as the tide starts to fall away. Will listen out for you. Have a good day all.

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