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How can you increase the cooling \ raw water excahnge?


What is the setup on Wishin? I assume it doesn't pump raw sea water round the block.


So bigger pump for more flow? Better \ more efficient pickup? Bigger does not mean better!


Ensure stat is working correctly! Does it need one? With the warm up Wishin gets on the pontoon and the pootle through the harbour, maybe it could be removed?


Re. engine bay cooling - (infor from our product engineers from work, who previously had issue with kit overheating) - hot air extraction is nowhere near as good as forcing air in, and on to the hotter areas! At work they had issues and extracting air has the potential to pull cooler air in and blow it straight out again.


How can you reduce engine load? Weight reduction? or try to ensure you are trimmed at optimum for conditions? Can you tell this by fuel economy (less fuel used to maintain speed mst mean less load on the runnign gear)?





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do NOT remove tghe thermostat.


Leads to overcooling of engine, longer warm-up, causes condensation in lubrication system, buildup of acids in lubricating oil.


Not a good thing in general





Had a long chat with Charlie and I believe it is the lack of air into and around engine.

Both Craigs and another 630 in my Marina have more venting on the engine cover than mine,and it's possible that mine "missed" this modification .

If I compare to a car it is like totally blocking up the front grill and any other cool air sources so really I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

Time will tell

Thanks again for the input



Had a long chat with Charlie and I believe it is the lack of air into and around engine.

Both Craigs and another 630 in my Marina have more venting on the engine cover than mine,and it's possible that mine "missed" this modification .

If I compare to a car it is like totally blocking up the front grill and any other cool air sources so really I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

Time will tell

Thanks again for the input


Whilst I hate to point out the obvious, especially when it's already been done once before in this thread re intercoolers, but the air supply to a marine diesel engine bay is about power more than cooling.


Any lack of air flow will show up very quickly in a failure of the engine to generate power, normally on marine installations represented by a failure to achieve max revs under normal load.


There may be a very small impact on ancillaries like alternators, but not the block/pistons.


As you have the engine apart you will be able to check for the most likely cause of a specific piston failure through overheating - a blocked waterway in the block in that area. Possible causes include - small piece of water pump impeller blade broken off and jammed there, part of an engine black anode come adrift.


Another possible cause would be a problem with the injector to that cylinder - I believe the injected fuel does have a cooling impact on the piston crown.


An problems with the water pump efficiency and general engine cooling would have shown up on the temperature gauge with an indirect cooling system.


I only raise this because I wouldn't want you to think you have found, and resolved, you 'problem' by adding more vents to your engine bay.



Been in Poole for week so no internet access very alarmed at the issues you have had, would it not be possible to install a inter cooler and fan can you PM me your home and mob number so I can stay on top of this. wink.gif

Ta! Craig.



Hi Nige


Back from Spain now and just caught up with the thread. Contact Quicksilver and mention "FIT FOR PURPOSE". There have been other cases that they have sorted and they are now fitting different pistons. Don't take NO for an answer the engine and it's fitting is not fit for purpose it dosn't matter that it is out of gaurantee. From what I have been told they have made repairs at their cost.


It's got to be worth a couple of phone calls mate.




Hi Nige


Back from Spain now and just caught up with the thread. Contact Quicksilver and mention "FIT FOR PURPOSE". There have been other cases that they have sorted and they are now fitting different pistons. Don't take NO for an answer the engine and it's fitting is not fit for purpose it dosn't matter that it is out of gaurantee. From what I have been told they have made repairs at their cost.


It's got to be worth a couple of phone calls mate.




Well done Colin let me know how get on Nigel. wink.gif


If I had the boat from new,if I had full dealer servicing,if I wanted to be a pain in the arse to somebody then I might go down the road of "not fit for purpose" but I have found in life ,is all it will do is release the nasty side of my nature and it will make me so very bitter.

The boats seven years old,most inboard warranty is only two.


So thanks for the advice guys but it's not for me


The good thing to come out of all this is..................look at all the fuel I've saved laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif



The good thing to come out of all this is..................look at all the fuel I've saved laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif



Not as much as I have over the last 2 months biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



The boats seven years old,most inboard warranty is only two.


I have an issue at the moment and having taken proper advice, the warranty is not the limiting factor but 6 years is the limit.


After getting several different pistons all with smaller combustion chambers( highercompression) and consulting my various contacts at Cat Diesel ,Cummins ex engine builder and a Mercruiser engine builder,I've ordered original parts with a 15% discount.

The main reason being if these pistons fail it's normally minor......crack

If I use different makes then IF they did fail might go bang in a big way.......rod through the block!

As it is it will only cost me


I'll be in Alderney from Monday until Friday on Shogun,will try to leave some turbos for club members. tongue.giflaugh.gifcool.gif


NIgel - sorry to hear of your problems.


Before I got rid of my 630 I did quite a lot of research into the reason for the engine failures. The Cummins rep at Southampton Boat Show would not admit that there was problem, but said they had changed the pistons in later engines - they should be able to tell you after which engine number this occurred. I did ask him, if there was no problem, why did they change the pistons, but he declined to answer!


Some engines blow small holes in the pistons, which is apparently caused by the wastegate or injection timing - when I asked Holes Bay Marine about these problems, the mechanic there said it might be injection timing - information he gave reluctantly.


I also spoke to Ribs Marine, who again denied that they'd ever heard of any such problem, in spite of being agents.


If you look on the internet, there are loads of posts on different sites about people who have had bad experiences with this engine.


I would suggest you really check to make sure you have the later pistons. A note of caution - I do not believe the pistons are the same as in an Isuzu car engine. Just as a matter of interest, how many hours had you done?


All the best with the repairs,




Dennis,mine had the later pistons......I'll wait and see if the new ones are the same.

I've done nearly 500hrs,it will be easier for me to go through it all when we next meet

Dennis isn't about time you sold you're boat laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

I might be interested would you take a few thousand bees in part-ex biggrin.gif



It's not really a problem,it's just boats and goes with the territory

All the best Nige


Not ready to sell the boat yet - but you'd be more than welcome to 5 million bees!


Seriously, tho, if you would like a trip out sometime, I could use your experience!



  • 3 weeks later...

Eventually got all the parts now rebuilt and dropped back to Ribs for refitting biggrin.gif

If they don't manage the refit this week I'll be up for crewing next weekend if weather allows as have the whole weekend off tongue.gif And I cannot do another shopping trip blink.gif


For those that are interested I've used cummins pistons ,injectors retested,new thermostat but modified with small 2mm bleed hole.

I am now going to use less revs than the 3-3.2k. Probably 2700k

And fitting another blower to force more cold air to engine box rather than allowing it to draw it's own



The hole in thermostat is to prevent air being trapped behind and to allow a gentle flow of water to pass through.Injectors I had rechecked and cleaned at Poole Diesel.


Engine in,run for hour and half with sea trial.Engine is fine smile.gif But I have a power steering leak which has messed my immaculately cleaned bilge, hope engine won't have to come out again mad.gif Fingers crossed

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