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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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tongue.gif Well, yet again thrown from pillar to post in a fishing comp. Monday was the pits. We had to fish in Portland harbour to hide from the weather. Started fishing like a goon but came good towards the end and finished fourth. Plenty of fish as is expected with no size limits. Bass, Wrasse, Mackerel, Garfish, Pout, Poor Cod, Pollack, Bream, Mullet, John Dory, Red Bandfish, Blennies, Gobies, Scad, the list goes on but not really my bag this tiddler bashing. Unfortunately it is part and parcel of modern comps so we have to go with it. Tuesday was uch better. Got out to the East. Lulworth and the Banks. Very good day but pipped at the last by a Smoothhound with 5 Mins to go. ("!%$^$

Hi Billyboy


Sounds like you ended up with a very reasonable day but what is a "Bandfish"?


Never heard of one of those.


As I am about to move down that way, in temp accomadation, any tips for marks in Portland harbour apart from the Hood, would be very helpful.


I have launched at the public slip a few times but never been able to get out far due to weather conditions or crew feeling ill. sick.gifsick.gif







Hiya Billy, good to see u logging on!!! Report made good reading, thanks, when are we going to get out and have a crack at these wrasse???


You have my number, give us a call chap




Cracking report BB - I have always fancied giving the species bashing a go, makes a change from the norm.


What part of the harbour did you fish? Which bit do I need a licence for? Any tips on tackle and baits?


Im off on holiday all next week, so may give it a bash then.



tongue.gif Hi Adam, We fish mainly inside the Hood entrance and inside Chequers which is the next one down. You do need a permit for all fishing inside the harbour. If you do fish just fish as light as you dare, The heaviest snoods were 15lb but we went as light as 5lb for mini species. Hooks from 6 down to 12. You do tend to lose a fair bit of tackle fishing that light but Hey thats part of it all. Maddies, tiny squid strips, maggots(white) and white rag all work. Frozen garfish strip works as well. BB cool.gif
tongue.gif Hi Rich, How are you mate? Bit busy at work at the moment mate but in a couple of weeks I will try and sort a session out. When Marks boat is finished we can do a buddy session on a decent weekend. By the way I may need a partner for a Lifeboat Pairs comp on Flamer 111. Not sure of the dates yet but it will be a midweek match. As you work for yourself you may be in a position to fish it, more details later buddy. cool.gif

Hiya Billy, love to mate, give me the dates, and I'll ensure availability. At least Ive and idea what to expect this time!!!


We've had a few trips blown off, so would enjoy some more sport. I'll call you on monday, and discuss things. Cheers matey,



Hi Billyboy


Sounds like you ended up with a very reasonable day but what is a "Bandfish"?


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There's a picture of a Red Band Fish.... HERE.


Indeed this one was caught in the afore mentioned Weymouth species comp.




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