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cool.gif Going to St Ives for me Hols.....going to take the yak and kit . Just wondered if anyone has fished or paddled in St Ives afore ?

Many many years ago I came accross basking sharks!!


This was before the film Jaws and yes I was in a small self-driven open boat.


It always looks very fishy around some of the coves.


Have a good time







Was down that way a couple of weeks ago though I didn't take the yak due to the high winds. There is a good spot just outside the harbour were a lot of commercials hand line for mackerel. You should bag up there. It is a short paddle to the left of the harbour by the rocky headland. There must be some bass there I would have thought. Just watch the tides though.


Have a look at Anglersafloat. I asked the same question about St Just which is just down the coast and got some good advice.


Sennen cove is worth a look in the right conditions. There is a slipway there and across the bay there is a small rocky island that looked really bassy. Again, you'll need to be careful about the wind/tides.


Have a great time,




I spent a few days there last year Lofty. Its lovely. BIG tides as Phil says but very scenic part of the country. I saw lots of yakkers out there and regretted not taking mine.


Get on Anglers afloat and try to arrange something, I wouldnt mind betting someone will be happy to show you the ropes.

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