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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a superb day !!


No wind [ amazing on its own after recent days!], warm sunshine, small swells graually easing and briliant visibility[ if you got a chace to look up].............. because loads and loads of whiting { all sizes} kept us so busy!!.


Thanks to Paul [ aka Sinbad] for the trip, the intelligent company and excellent tea. Picking me up at Mudeford at first light..... the first couple of hours on the Ledge produced little but pout and dogs [ no signs of any bass ]


A move across to X- ray area provided all the whiting action , all through the ebb, and finished with a 10 lb. Blonde for Paul.


A busy day tomorrow ......... filleting all those fish for the freezer [ 'cause who knows when we'll next get out this windy autumn??]


Odd sight of the day ......... naval warship [ frigate ??]...... seems to be heading into Poole from the west.... then turns and comes across the bay, straight towards us......then does a handbrake turn..... and slows but going straight towards Boscombe pier / Southbourne beach ....... would it go aground/ how water do they draw??..............another rapid turn......then back out to sea at top speed ...... boy racers / learner drivers ????? We thought pernaps it'd been brought in to scuttle as the base for a new reef....... going fishing makes you think fishing!!


Yum, yum.......fish&chips...... something different with whiting tomorrow !




Glad to hear you had a good day! I would have loved to have gone out today but instead I decided to get up at 4am drive to Bolton sit in meetings all day and get home at 7pm...the cook dinner, wash up and fianlly read new posts, only to find that Alun has been out fishing and caught a bag full of plump whiting!!!!!! sick.gifsick.gif


Hi Alun

as usual an entertaining report.


We went out today to enjoy the fantastic weather, such a shame that the window is so short.


Wendy the boys and I started on the banks at slack water and were rapidly into fish. lots of Dogs and whiting then as the boat turned we had a couple of blonde rays to 11lb for Daniel and a pollack of 5 1/2lb to Sam


bit of a muddle when the anchor tripped and the engine stalled just after we steemed it up, [ the fuel system is still getting air from somewhere, so even more of it will need to be stripped before we go out again] venting the system got us running again so lifted the hook to reset for the now ebbing tide.


Lots more fish steadily through the ebbing tide, we finished with 7 species.

4 Blonde rays, one conger, one Gurnard, one pollack, two bass, and to many dogs and whiting to count. about 20 dogs and well over 30 whiting. biggrin.gif


while we bought 1 bass the pollack and three whiting of about 1lb 8oz ashore a lot of fish were returned for another day. wink.gif


The highlight of the day was a tope following a whiting to the surface, then being tempted when I lowered it back down a few feet and reducing a 1 lb fish to just a head in one clean bite without more than a slight nod on the rod tip. the whiting had taken a cod bait but the tope missed both hooks. Tope size about 20lb.


We also saw the Navy on manoeuvers, good to see them practicing in the bay. Glad we were not to close.


Great Day to be out, shame there were no Cod about,

we did see a 11 1/2 lb bass that one of the boats had caught by the chain ferry, lovely fish. Shame it was not on one of the Club boats.


Hope this weather returns soon biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



Hi Alun


Made your filetting knife blunt yet ?


What a superb day's fishing (just to make all those who washed up, cooked and cleaned the house instead feel green) laugh.gif


At one stage, stripped down to T shirt, sweating away on the rods, it was better than a summers day....


Just looked at the GPS position, Alun, and we were well west of the intended Xmark, by about 0.6km. But just goes to show that the fish were everywhere.


Lets hope the Whiting pile on the bulk in the next month or so. It was strange that it was almost a brace of fish a chuck,with whiting on the top, and pout on the bottom, and sometimes.... one whiting having scoffed both hooks.


Also in terms of the species tally, forgot to mention that Conger (10ish lb?) from the ledge, released at the boat side, a wee thornback, and a scad.


Just goes to show, you never know what will turn up - never ceases to amaze me.


I'll be 'grounded' for a few weeks after today, so will just have to read all the reports from the others from now on as well.


Thanks for all the help with the boat recovery back on land, and thanks for a brilliant trip.




I had a great time with the kids just walking round Durlston Head that day...I just wish we had more days with weather like that so we could do ALL the things we want to do in the limited amount of leasure time available, in nice weather. I must admit to a touch of envy watching those few small boats out there.


My eldest (4) thoroughly enjoyed watching the warship manouvring, but he was a little concerned that its gun was pointing at us at one stage!


Mike F

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