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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well we anchored up for tope, wind was blowing- kicked up a little slop but nothing too uncomfortable even wind over tide this afternoon.


The doggys turned up but the mackys were elusive despite our strenouous efforts to get some(well i slung a set of feathers over the side and ignored them) eventually a few scad rocked up so we could get off the frozen stuff(a few mackys turned up late on to replenish supplys)


Dad hit some small pack tope early on, not big but they fell to very light gear so were good fun anyway. Nothing happeningbon my rods (i was most unfairly fishing uptide of dads baits as the wind was holding us off the tide a bit).


Eventualy i got a doggy then dad missed a proper tope run- stripped a load of line then just dropped it- that was the only proper run but suffered all day with hugely positive bites that connected to nothing, probably from small ones.


Then i had a decent bite and latched into a decent fish, went bloody well, crash dived twice I was thinking 10lb ish(i've done 40lb ones and under no ilusion i'd be stopping anything bigger on the gear i was using- not the rod id set for tope the one i was hoping for bream on)


Got it up and one very narked of tope prob between4-6lb hooked in the bum(i think proving they were grabbing baits and dropping them) hook fell out in net so popped him back. Had two more much smaller and a fair few doggys


So the tuna...


Well we were washing down in the marina when we had a chat with a bloke we vaguely know who had been freelining a macky in the race when it was hit by something completely unstopable, stripped all the line of his reel before it broke.


So could have been a tuna although porbeagles are reputed to hang around the back of race on ocasions or a big tope-i wouldnt have thought even a big bass would have that kind of constant power and acceleration


Speaking to a guy in portland marina this evening, he was fishing portland race yesterday and

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