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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


Now that the Rugby has slightly less interest [i will watch the recordings] it is looking good for a practice for the Open this Saturday.


The boys are away, so Gordon is joining me.

I will have room for a couple of others, if you are interested please get in touch.


Probably not going too far, or too early


Charlie biggrin.gif


Might have a trip out myself


Just to see if the cod have turned up yet!


I heard that they have caught a few in the miles of netting strung about in the bay.






I am hoping to get out Saturday (and/or Sunday) but it will depend massively on my dogs. I have a bitch in season at the moment and a very stressed and frustrated dog trying to get at her so if they are still stressy then I will have to stay at home to prevent having any more. If I do manage to get out I was intending to head over towards the IOW somewhere (and take some squid with me wink.gif ).

Posted (edited)

Was hoping for a lively little session somewhere....so out on Frisky on Saturday, subject to rousing the troops.


While I'd love a cod on board, I haven't had one on one of my boats for ages (10 years or more), so this winter the plan is to fish for whiting with intent....hoping for a few pan-sized ones on medium/heavy gear...and hoping for a cod as a bycatch.


Any news of whiting yet, or does everyone else try for cod, and keep the whiting as a by-catch ?



Edited by Mike Fox

Mike we usually give the big rods/baits priority for the cod. and then put lighter rods /uptiders out to enjoy the fight [and taste] of a few whiting.


Tight lines all

We will be on channel 6 , even if its just Gordon and I


Charlie biggrin.gif

Charlie Abode will be out Sat.

With Dave as crew hoping to pick up a few fish and pointers? wink.gifwink.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Craig what about the tele? rolleyes.gif

Give us a shout see if radio decides to work you`ll need somebody to talk too, as big man will be sleeping off tonights beers sick.gif


Posted (edited)

Alice II will be out on Sunday as the wind veers to a S Westerly .... not sure where just yet but was hoping to get over East a-ways......Tried Southbourne rough a week ago with not much doing so it may be a case of out a bit to the banks .. we will see how lumpy it gets.....

Will be on Ch 6

Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by pirky

Well how did we all do?


I had a rubbish day - two pout.


Doesnt help seems everyone else in the marina bagged up. One boat had 19 brill and turbot, another a 12lb bass


Even dad had a huge tope.


Soooooo frustrating


Out today with No 1 son Glen (with permission of Cabin Boy)

Awkward start when engine misfired and shut down twice before starting and running normally. Suspect this was nothing serious as all engine warning lights cleared.

Decided to try in the main channel near the Ro Ro for plaice, and to give the engine chance to misbehave. Glen snagged a plaice followed by a feisty 2lb wrasse before we ventured out to the swash.

Glen in again - a red mullet. One or two small bream became a nuisance so it was out to the spoils to meet up with Dream Drifter at anchor.

Dogfish and some good red gurnard obliged before the tide dropped and interest tailed off. No whiting or cod.

Up anchor to drift towards the Whitehouse grounds with more gurnard and a nice bream. Old Harry was 'interesting' on the way round to the bay - and that was it bar an abortive drift south of Hook Sands.

Great to be afloat again and engine was fine.

Must get organised with an Alderney rig as lifting the anchor doesn't get any easier. sad.gif


Posted (edited)

Out yesterday on Frisky with Carol, seeing a few club boats out and about.


Tried for Gilts in the harbour, and Triggers on the inshore rocks seeing as the water temperature is holding (too warm for cod still?), but no joy. We stuck with the breaming gear, and had just one mackerel, a couple of 1lb pollack, ballan to 2lb and corkwing wrasse, dragonet and pout. The pout were tried as livebait with no success. Just the one mackerel kept.


Overall, found the SE kicked the sea up rather uncomfortably even inshore, and we struggled in the harbour. We drifted instead of anchoring, as our small fishing anchor might have been pulled out with the motion.


After power loss on the engine 2 weeks ago, and the starter cable fracturing last week, was keen for an uneventful trip. However the engine was loud, knocking in tickover and I couldn't work out why, and guessed the idle speed adjustment had slipped. Returned early on the 2.30 bridge lift and discovered that there was a missing nut from one of the front engine mounts, and the whole engine moving alarmingly at tickover, though normal vibration at a few hundred revs more. Strangely, I couldn't find the missing nut, and my spares box had nothing the right size. Cobb's chandlers provided a replacement (and a few spares at the needed size and above). Cranked it up tight, and all seems normal again now, including tickover speed. Also, remembered to check the alternator hadn't blown a diode, and is stlll working fine after the cable fracture (should have checked that last week!). Hope that's the end of the engine problems!


Hope others did better than us.



Edited by Mike Fox

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