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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


I was invited out on Alan's "Kind of Magic" today as we had a weather window I was happy to accept.


We set off from Cobbs just before 9.30am to get the bridge opening, whilst waiting we meet Frisky Fox also waiting for the bridge.


Alan has, as some of you may know wanted to sort his boat's prop out and recently had his boat out for ant-foul and the fitting of a new prop, so today would be a good test time as well.


Going out through the harbour it was noticable how much better the boat responded to the throttle and the speed increase was quite dramatic bringing her to the designed speed limits with ease.


Back to fishing, we headed eastwards with a small slight chop to the water mainly due to wind over tide but nothing to worry about. We got to our mark and it quickly became aparant that I was going to be the kennel master as it seemed every LSD homed in on my bait. Alan managed to find a nice small bream but nothing else seemed interested so as the tide turned we woved a bit furrther Eastwards.

As the tide increased so the LSD seemed to have found my bait again but at least I was catching fish! We both suggested a move again and just as started to wind in I got a cracking bite, another doggie but no not this time but a nice whiting of about 3/4 to 1lb smile.gif

We sat for a bit longer but no more came along so move time again. This time we headed inshore looking for a new mark, which we found but nothing was happening so as we had to be back on the berth by 4.30 we had a short drift, both of us lost our end tackle on something so we called it a day and came home.


Thanks Alan for a good day out in great weather and flat seas and managed to get the first whiting of this Autumn on your boat.






Well done both, and congrats on the whiting...always good when a target species arrives.


Funny, we didn't find a doggie all day. You'll have to let me know when you go out "doggie charming" again Dave biggrin.gif




Well good the boat performed well, conditions were nice and a few fish were caught.


Unfortunately i cannot say free boyz had the same success-


Boat performed great as usual but conditions for fishing were poor.


Bit concerned by fog on the drive down but the coast was clear and we fished all day in the sunshine( the third sussecive trip ive said thatll be the last time i fish in a tshirt this year!


Unfortunately the flat calm bit was rather spoilled by the big tide- very large overfalls on the shambles and the portland race absolutely raging- i cant accuartly gage how big the standing waves at the front of the race were but they were clearly visible from where we were drifting(along the back of the shambles) and there is absolutely no way i was going for a closer look! It was also going out further than i have ever seen it before. So spent all day slopping about!


Well the fishing- dad"i dont think either of us has blanked this year" on the way out so you can guess what he caught. Nowt. I had one mr spikey, keepable but small so i put it back


And that was it for the fishing really tried every lure we have and nowt, had a quick try for squid over the hood but nowt.


I should also admit i'd been sulking in the cabin cos i didnt want to drift the arsy bit of the shambles for about twenty minutes, walked out dropped a worm down and had mr spikey in the boat within 45 seconds... Dad wasnt amused! This brings the bass score on free boyz to 6-0! (just dont mention the bream score!)



Tried the harbour for flounder.......... ifs there a prize for the most crabs caught then its mine !!!!!!! Caught 1 flounder and about 200 bait robbers, but what a lovely day it was in the harbour, extremely peaceful.... EXCEPT FOR THE CRABS???



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