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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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And i heard that the fishing at Portland was the worse it's been for years


Bob, the guys on here are good enough Bass fisherman to know for themselves how it is on our patch.

This thread is to provide updates, if you wish to debate the MLS please start a new thread, dont hijack this one





Heres the latest from B.A.S.S- ukbass - SIFCA


It would be great to see you at the December meeting in Poole. If you want to support this campaign please please write and email as it does and can make a difference



BASS Presentation to Southern IFCA

Nigel Horsman has reported back regarding his recent presentation to the Southern IFCA:



  • 2 weeks later...

Bob Don't be so bloody condescending the councillors are not our pals and if you had half a brain you would choose to think through your posts before spouting off and getting peoples back up. Some views on here may not conform with your views but all are entitled to those views without being ridiculed.


You and your .org are not seen in a good light when you talk at people like that and I for one don't want ignorant people representing me. If you can't contribute in a grown up and pleasant manner then go and spout your dribble on your own forum.


A very pi55ed off Martin


Oh and yes the red wine has kicked in....thankfully




Dear Bob


I have asked you to desist until you have something new and useful to say


As such please restrict your posts to giving positive updates of your thoughts and actions, not repeating the saME OLD NEGATIVE STUFF


Also it is not helpful for you to antaginise members or make pointed comments toward them and their values.


Thank you in anticipation






Guest Bob Shotter

You mean agree with you and your ideals that are unproven and will result in increased discards yes I can see the scene in that.


Has in not dawned on you that CEFAS and DEFRA have already ruled on this and you are playing into the hands of single species minority group. Or is this really a B.A.S.S. sponsored org, where free speach is fround on?


You mean agree with you and your ideals that are unproven.........

Can someone please help me here?


I thought that the relationship between bass size and spawning potential was proven - is this not the case?


If it is, then shouldn't the focus be on how to best implement a fisheries policy that enables the fish to spawn - rather than whether to implement such a policy?




Bob if you are responding to my post you will not find any response anywhere on here from me supporting either camp.


All are entitled to their views and those views should be respected and treated in the manner you would expect to be treated. If everyone posted in that light the world would be a more pleasant place as would our club forum. Views in this club are no different than any other club/section of anglers, just as diverse as you would expect. If you want a one sided view go back to your forum where most registered user joined because their views were similar to yours hence the very one sided viewpoint there.


In 7 years I have only banned one person from our site and removed around 4 posts out of 10 million so we are very tolerant of all opinions I just ask that others are as tolerant which as an side keeps my job simple.




if you will the fact that by simply handling a fish you are condemning it to an almost certain death as you will have damaged its mucus membrane.


Best kill everything we catch then - no exceptions


Goodbye Bob




if you will the fact that by simply handling a fish you are condemning it to an almost certain death as you will have damaged its mucus membrane




........can't be true..........or tagged fish would never get caught again !!



Indeed Alun!


One of the bass tagging programs caught the same bass 6 times \ possibly over 6 years (but I am not 100 % on the time scale).


Also, there are a few Carp out there that our Freswater Counterparts catch multiple times, year in year out!



Guest Bob Shotter

Damaged fish As far as most fish under the MLS is concerned it is very true and I can back this up with some info if you wish to debate the issue.


Here though is another thought MLS and bag limits, what was it that your good friend Mr Caines said recently, no point in returning fish for them to end up somewhere else in a net. Now please note what I said increased MLS without addressing the mesh size of CF nets is pointless.


if you will the fact that by simply handling a fish you are condemning it to an almost certain death as you will have damaged its mucus membrane.


Backtracking again Bob, i've asked you before to open another post if you wish a debate




Any conservation method that we can assist with will help fish, if we cant control the rest there is no reason why we cant stand up and be counted, some good people over the years has said the bass needs protection, its no good keep saying its somebody else's problem we need to lead by example, it also helps keep the anti anglers at bay.

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