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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, after all the recent reports of monster fish being caught it was my intention to see if I could become a statistic, but alas the forecast was somewhat lumpier than we had hoped (and we were running a little late) so we stayed over towards what I believe to be the 50/50's.


What a waste of a day off!!


I was so excited when we arived at our spot that I threw one mackerel bait in on one of my light weight traces from Poole Harbour last sunday while I set up my main rod. Once my main rod was in the water complete with pennel rig and squid bait i noticed my first rod was nodding cool.gif ..... I left it a few seconds then lifted into something heavy for a couple of seconds ..... then gone ohmy.gifohmy.gif . I left it out for a few more minutes before reeling it in to check my bait, but not only had the bait gone but the hook too!!


That was as exciting as it got for me today, my mate had 3 doggies and i had absolutely naffink!!


Oh well, hopefully I'm saving my luck for Sunday ph34r.gif


We were in the CAR PARK and heard you guys on 6.


Managed 1 cod of 14lb plus, 1 bass of 4lb, whiting up to 2lb and some pout, but the sea was REAL LUMPY. Only managed to drink one cuppa as the cups kept falling over.





It was hard going today I didnt make the carpark due to the forcast and stayed closer to home we only had 1 small cod 7lbs and a strap conger and came in at lunch time!



Posted (edited)

I was out today with Allan on Kind of Magic.


We too tried the 50 50 area to start with but I managed a single doggie and that was it.

As it was a tad lumpy for Allan we upped and moved insure a bit towards the spoils but again nothing except a doggie to Allan!


Moved inshore again but was just as lumpy and just no fish!! sad.gif


I can't believe that with the number of boats around the area today and only managed a few doggies between us all.


Good luck if you try out there on Sunday. huh.gif


Got a message tonight that a 30lb+ Cod had been caught in nets close in but thats one hell of length of nets and one good fish! Where have all the Bay fish gone?


Thanks for the trip Allan shame no fish


ps Pirky, what was up with yur radio? I was calling you and Little Sal answering your calls. Did you have the volume or squelch turned down?




Edited by Coddy

We were out yesterday biggrin.gif


Decided that we would go to the car park, but had considered staying nearer to Poole.

Glad that we didn't, as all reports seem to indicate it was much slower there.



Mind you the needles area was rather bouncy and we had to take it steady on the way home.


Shame that the weather finished up nothing like the original forecast of a few days ago, let hope that does not happen again for Sunday.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Mike, the main reason we stayed this end was because the forecast had said it would blow up mid dayish and i HAD to be back by 4.30 at the latest so I didn't think it would be sensible going to the Island and have to take it easy just in case it made me late.


The extra fuel was a slight concern too.


I WONT be fishing Poole on Sunday tho', thats for sure.


Hi Graham


Even though the weather was a bit breezy when we arrived at the boat the overall opinion was to go for it and head to the island.


Obviously with the bigger craft we have a larger window of opportunity but we still put faith in the forecast, that gave a slight lull then a swing in the breeze towards the south.


The breeze swung a little. We set off at three to make the run in daylight it took 30 mins loger than going as we deliberatly headed 10 degrees north of course to make the ride better. it flattened nearer to shore so we corrected then.




Dave ..... The volume was right down and I didn't realise.... I thought at first it was the fact that I had turned off the depth sounder/ fish finder/ plotter[ concerned that it was affecting the fishing] that is connected to the radio for DSC but it was a volume thing !! ooooops !!


Well we too thought better of going to the Car Park ....same reasons as the rest.... forecast was to blow up and I didn't want a slow slog home into the waves and weather......We headed to the spoils off O/H and settled at about 11 am on the ledge at 60 ft with the drop off to 70+ down tide in the making tide .... tide was stronger than anticipated and the wind soon whipped up to the predicted 14-15 kn making it a bit lumpy too ...... Total tally by 1pm was 2 dogs to me so we decided to search for cover of the headland and swung by a couple of marks on the way to see if it was any more sheltered .....by that time the wind had swung round to more SSW and it had us where-ever we were .....

Settled for a mark just to the east of Hook Sands for about an hour ..... the wind and tide was playing all sorts of games with Alice II and our terminal tackle......first swinging the boat and then dragging our baits around all over the place ..... Total tally for an hours fishing was one dog ... so we headed for a couple of drifts at the castle in the harbour .....

Back on the pontoon by 4pm ....

Not sure about Sunday ... weather looks good for the Needles car park so I guess loads of club boats in a tight area all going for the biggies ....

I am going to a surprise birthday bash on Sat eve ... could be bladdered at dawn so may not make it to the boat !! rolleyes.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


PS ....I want a piccy of Alice II on the water so if any of you lads see me out and about on the move .... give me a call so I can do a " drive by " and you can get a piccy for my !! TA !!


Hi Dave

I have found it better in the breezy weather to stay in an area with some tide, especially when wind and tide are togerther.


You may finish up fishing off to one side as she will not stay exactly nose into the tide but at least you can fish and do not swing all over the place.


That swing of the wind helped us get back from the car park without beating directly into the weather.



Posted (edited)

Charlie .... yes thanks for that ... I will know better next time..... I don't mind the bump and grind but need some fish over the gunnel to keep the chin up in those conditions.

All good experience rolleyes.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by pirky

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