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Hi All


Well we are due to move down to West Moors on 19th November biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

(we hope to have a house to rent by then) sad.gifsad.gif


The only problem is I don't think I will have enough room to store the boat dry.gif

if this house falls through as well and we have to take our second option!


So, can anyone advise where I can store the boat on the trailer, have easy access to take it out and is cheap!!! unsure.gif


I have one contact at East Stoke but that is some distance to travel each time but I do know it is fairly secure.


Pehaps you know somewhere better?







Hi Coddy,


At West Moors, youll be less than 5 mins drive from where I live! biggrin.gif


I would love to say that Ill have it on my drive, but I dont think she would like that! 1 Warrior is bad enough, but 2 would be pushing it..... rolleyes.gif


I am sure you could find some where reasonably closeby....just trying to think?? There are plenty of Caravan type parks and sites around this area maybe they would be worth a try?


Ill have a think and a look around over the next few days and let you know if I come up with any ideas.


I presume the rental house has no room for a boat?


The last option is to look for some cheap winter storage in Christchurch?....10 min drive from West Moors and 3 slips to choose from?




Hi Adam


Thanks for that info wink.gif


Down side the rental house has just fallen through so just over 1 week and still no where to live !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Begining to panick Mr.Mannering sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif





Hi again Adam




Found a house to rent and it has enough room to fit the boat AND all the cars biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


We will now be in Boadstone so even quicker to the slip! rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif





Is that the 'red light' area of Broadstone or the bit near the glue factory. Either of them is not too bad but for goodness sake don't go near the tannery ohmy.gif . Those things apart Broadstones a great place and sewerage farm have to be somewhere don't they. sick.gif




Well done that man smile.gif . I bet your looking forward to looking back at all this and laughing, sorta thing.


Good luck with the move mate


Mad Mike


Thanks Mike


Well someone has to lower the tone of a place so it might as well be me! laugh.giflaugh.gif


I did see lots of pritty girls walking by the house when I was waiting for the agent to turn up so it can't be all bad! wink.gifwink.gif


You can't beat a bit of window shopping .................. if you try to touch .......... brings water to my eyes!!!!!!!! ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif





Hi Coddy


and welcome to Broadstone

we are not a bad bunch up here despite what MM says, not to many pubs but plenty of take aways and even a liesure centre.


Give me a call if you need a guide




Hi Guys


Thanks for the good wishes tongue.giftongue.gif


I think I will not be fishing the comp but I am willing to give Rich a hand and might even eat a bacon roll especially if Rach is in her bikini wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif


You can see that the Dorset air is having an effect on me already blink.gifblink.gif


See you soon




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