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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

First competition of the year is almost upon us - and the Weather Gods look like they may intervene!


It is a species hunt and it looks like a few species are beginning to be caught.


Rules for this comp - try to keep it simple.


It is number of different species per angler that count.


Maximum 3 hooks.


Please photograph each fish to use as a check in case of a draw


Kayaks plan to fish Swanage Bay as a practice for their National Comp in May.


Everone else, wherever! just try not to get hung up on targeting Bream!


Weather call will be made on Friday between myself and Safety Officer.


Any other questions - don't hesitate and good hunting!


Please sign in below



Edited by Neal

One of my favourite format comps...and Frisky is out for just one week for antifouling and the "below the waterline" jobs.


Apologies, will have to sit this one out.




Does anybody have a spare place for this one as I'm not going to be able to use the kayak for this one, also are we still having the kayak species comp on May 12th


Hi All


Having only entered Open Comps with the club before, do the crew have to be club members?

Is there an entry fee people taking part?

Sorry if I have missed the answers asked, but still finding out where everything is in the forums. (Newbie member)






) Neal Sturt

2) Nigel Allen

3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith

4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter


) Neal Sturt

2) Nigel Allen

3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith

4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter

5. Lofty( kayak)

6. Barto( kayak )

7. Geordie Brian.... possibly(kayak)


1) Neal Sturt

2) Nigel Allen

3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith

4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter

5. Lofty( kayak)

6. Barto( kayak )

7. Geordie Brian.... possibly(kayak

8. Chris Witheford, Kingfisher


1) Neal Sturt

2) Nigel Allen

3) Kind of Magic with Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill Smith

4, Alf, Sally & Mark on Dream Drifter

5. Lofty( kayak)

6. Barto( kayak )

7. Geordie Brian.... possibly(kayak

8. Chris Witheford, Kingfisher

9 mark winfield not sure on boat yet?


I am re-scheduling the species comp for the May Bank Holiday weekend


The proposed date will be Sunday 6th May.


This could be used as a final practice for all the Kayak Crews before their National Species Hunt the following weekend. Their are 3 new kayaks up as prizes plus, write up's in all the mags. A great opportunity for the Kayak Section of the Club.


Also should give the Alderney adventurers a last shakedown before they go!



  • 2 weeks later...

The weekend weather is looking a bit better, so we should be able to get out at last!


Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp


1) Neal Sturt


2)Allan Green on Kind of Magic with Bill (Ferret).


The weekend weather is looking a bit better, so we should be able to get out at last!


Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp


1) Neal Sturt


2)Allan Green on Kind of Magic with Bill (Ferret).


3)Chris Witheford on Kingfisher

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