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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Why choose uptiding Kam?


The trace length depends entirely on weight of bait...strength of tide, and bottom make up. Needles area, I have heard of and caught, far more cod downtiding, than uptiding. Interesting to hear other views on this.




Uptiding is one of my favorite methods


It does at times outfish downtiders, especially in shallow areas with a reasonable run of tide.

It does allow baits to be spread out and not all fished behind the boat,

but please take great care when casting from a packed Charter Boat or a rocking smaller boat.


Our areas are generally a bit deep for uptiding but I still use the method a lot, generally always with a 8oz Gemini style weight and a 4 to 10oz uptider and ABU 7000 with 20lb line


any lighter gear will struggle

1. to get the bait to the bottom and keep it there

2. To play a decent fish with the tide assisting it



Its main advantages are:

1. Spreading out the baits

2. Getting away from the boats scare zone in shallow water

3. Being able to fish with lighter gear and weights

4. Self hooking of larger fish as they move off with the bait.


It takes a bit of practice but can be worth the effort IMHO






It is a method I really enjoy, but dont use much in the bay...


Our annual trip to the Solent after Smoothies always proves the method - it outfishes downtiders almost everytime - however the washing line across the tide can effect the weed.


James seems to pratise uptiding alot, or at least I think he does - he is often seem to be pendulum casting a 2lb lead, 8 squid and half a mackeral mounted on pennel 8/0's 40 yards uptide when fishing the ledge....I know as Ive been inches away from his end tackle on more than one occasion! - Charlie is right, take GREAT care uptiding in small boats.

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