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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

I was planning on taking the ebb from Milford on Sea to Hengistbury Head. Very easy launch, not so easy back up the hill

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The tides were right but the weather was a bit iffy. The drift to the mark was spot on but the wind started to strengthen on my back. I started to consider the 4 mile paddle back with wind over tide and decided discretion was the better part of valour and aborted my plan. I tied up to a pot buoy and spent two fish less hours with the wind chilling me and decided to head to the shelter of the cliffs.

Edited by lofty

Nice report Lofty


Well done on your first ray on the kayak and a PB bream


I expect your post will get a few hits from non fisherman, looking for other activities.




Must have been you I saw then, commented to crew that you seemed to be having some success. We were anchored off Chewton Bunny midday/early afternoon (not fishing). Didn't think to give you a call on CH6.



Bullhus have teeth and usually larger spots than LSD's. They are also more aggressive Bullhuss

Cheers for that. 4th photo down he has teeth and bigger spots. Come to think of it lots of the dogs yesterday were Bull Huss. They made me get the long nose pliers out . All went back but I'm told they can be nice to eat? Well, a brucey bonus to the species list biggrin.gif


The best way to tell the differance is the shape of the nasal flaps


have a good look at the full definition picture of the two fish, you should see a marked differance.


I can not remember what they differances are at the moment but I have it at home for a photo of LSD.


This one is definately a Huss wink.gif or a world record LSD

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