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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

I am thinking about putting my warrior on the Trot moorings in Christchurch Harbour. A key factor in whether or not I do this is whether I should antifoul or not.


The boat will probably be in the water on and off - one month in, one month out but will be used at least once a week I spose as a minimum, sometimes more.


If i don't antifoul, and use her every week giving her a good blast up to say 25kts, would this use keep the build up down? What would the build up be after a month in the water, and could it easily be removed with a power washer and a bit of elbow grease? Am i risking lasting damage to the boat is I don't antifoul?


In short, can I use the mooring without antifouling or should I just stick to tyrailering and launching at Mudeford?





Edited by LiveBaiter
Posted (edited)

I don't know Christchurch but if you didn't antifoul in Keyhaven and left a boat in the water for a month you'd have a fair growth, especially during the summer months. To give you some idea of how quickly this stuff grows, if you leave your tender on a mooring for a week as often do when going out sailing, at the end of the week there is already a thick coat of green slime.


It would probably come off with a power washer but it would slow you down a bit. Hilda Maud stays on her mooring all year and is antifouled but even with antifoul enough stuff grows within a month to knock a knot or so off her top speed.


I'd guess that Christchurch isn't that different.

Edited by ChrisE



My old boat was occasionally left in the water for weekends and maybe slightly longer and it certainly stained the bottom even in that short time. No build up but definite staining.


What is your issue about antifouling Toby?


I spose my reluctance to antifoul is born out of hassle, cost. But I don't really know how much hassle and cost is involved in priming then antifouling so maybe I should ask that question too?




Im in christchurch near Tuckton Bridge, I have mine anti fouled and you get a slime covering but easy enough to get off. i clean mine twice a year (once last year) this is my 3rd year with this antifoul but it will probably need doing again next year.




For the river mask a line about an inch above the water line then you need a key as the gel coat is so shiny ,rub it down/ flat it off then a coat of anti foul possibly two.



We got our predator 165 on a mooring in mudeford.For the first time this season we antifouled it.Rubbed the gel coat down with red scotch pad degreased the hull.Gave it a coat of etch primer then 3 coats of antifouling.Hope this helps. wink.gif


Hi Toby


I would suggest a talk to these people http://www.smlmarinepaints.co.uk/


What they don't know about which stuff to use and how to apply it is not worth knowing.

I have used Jotun antifoul and found it very good, in fact I still have it on my boat which is on a trailer at home!


Used to have a moored boat in Holes Bay, yes slime on the waterline but a few quick blasts soon helps remove most of it, a quick wash & brush up using your tender and the majority comes off.





How about copper bot - zinc - cuniguard thingy me bob?


Speak to Wedger aka Trevor - he has a mooring on the river and has had Otter Cuniguarded.


I believe it is expensive but it is a 10 year system and believe it works out cheaper overall!


I think Boblin might have it too!





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