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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

First (proper !) trip out on the "Hobit"(6 species

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It has taken ages to get out my new (to me) Shetland Sunstrike, due to a persistant shoulder injury the Kayak ( fantastic things) will have to stay in the shed for a while.


Im sure you all know the score with a second hand boat,despite giving the Mercury 40 a full service etc etc, she has been "reluctant" to behave, hence (with the problem resolved) a few hours out on the Poole patch

Considering the short time out, not bad for a first effort !



So here goes ( piccies to follow ) 2 x stunning Red Gurnard

12 large makkies (feahers)

13 Bream ( only two keepers )

1 X undulate

2 x Smoothhounds

2 x doggies

1 x huge squid ( I GOT IT) er sort of, !!!



Baits used, Rag/ lug, sandeel/Squid

Rigs used / all boom, small snoods

Tide / small spring


After coming back to Baiter I asked around others how they had got on, all reports fairly poor considering a few of them had been steaming around all day !!!


Hobits cherry well and truly christened , I will now be able to go after the "biggies" ( or do I ??? !!!)

















Hello hooky, last saw you in a tent on the beach at Southbourne wink.gif

Sounds like a good session. The other day I had a live maccy on and the rod slowly pulled over. I wound in and a bloody big cuttlefish/ squid/ not sure which was all over it. It came off at the surface but I kept putting the now dead maccy down for the next 30 minutes, and as soon as it was down the rod bent over every time. Try as I could I could not hook the bugger though. Shame about the injury but great to still be afloat


Lol...Had an encouter with a large Squid last year......latched on to a Mackeral being used as a live bait....everytime it came to the net it let go.....down time after time, same result...in the end we knew it was timing the release just as the net got to within a foot of him, on the last attempt Charlie moved to the back of the boat and started waving his arms as a distraction..hid under the gunnel I quickly jumed up and netted it before it could get away.......That Squid caught me a 16lb Cod in the winter......worth the effort..... biggrin.gif



Lol...Had an encouter with a large Squid last year......latched on to a Mackeral being used as a live bait....everytime it came to the net it let go.....down time after time, same result...in the end we new it was timing the release just as the net got to within a foot of him, on the last atempted Charlie moved to the back of the boat and started waving his arms as a distraction..hid under the gunnel I quickly jumed up and netted it before it could get away.......That Squid caught me a 16lb Cod in the winter......worth the effort..... biggrin.gif



I need to get me a Charlie on my kayak laugh.gif


Ok ,ok unsure.gif no I didnt land the giant squid, infact I only managed to get it to the side before it squirted its muck biggrin.gif


Must remember the jigs next time ! ( still going to add to my spiecies list though!)

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