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With me not going to Alderney Matt was keen to get out but we did not Eally have a plan.

A conversation with Martin imparting bait of knowledge from your end of the worlds saw us heading east. So a big thank you Martin The plan to get a few rays to boost the species count then off deep for a Tope.


After an early start we got to the mark and found it no problem. After a short while I was into a decent fish after a good scrap on Matts 6 12 kensaki An undulate of 13 lb came over the side nice start. I had picked up Matt's rod by accident earlier when tackling up so thought I would take possession for the day.


After another short wait I had a shy bite and soon something very determined to stay on the bottOm attached to my line turned out to be a 20lb conger . we both got a smattering of dogs then I struck into another ray 11lb female thornbac. Next. Fish to me again another thorny a male this time also 11lb. Life is not fair sometime. As the tide died we just got a procession of dogs so decided to move off for a Tope


Off. To the edge of the ledge second drop I hooked a doggy just as it came into view I could see it was being followed by a very large Tope probably 40+ which came right up to the prop before turning away obviously likes dogs as much as we do!!


Started dragging anchor so had to reposition I pulled in chain with no anchor attached shackle must have come loose xxxxxxx. On with the spare and we were fishing again or at least I was. Soon into a Tope got it to the surface and it went straight back do again. Eventually got it in a good 20lbde


And that was it for the day with poor Matt not getting a single decent. Fish he was not a happy bunny!!!



I got up early fuelled the boat cooked breakfast (dad refusing to leave his bunk). Briefly roused him to help me cast off then he was straight back to bed.


Then i caught all the bait.


Then watched dad use my bloody rod to catch all the fish mad.gif


With the added plesure of a conger making a beeline for my groin!


By the end of the day i wouldnt have been suprised if the tope took the doggy.


To cap it all i cracked the screen on my camera as well weep.gif

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