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Had a fight with an Angle Grinder on Thursday and lost... wink.gif ..so Friday's weather window gave us a good chance to let my finger heel and get another Bass trip in...... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Weather was very still with a flat sea and after a quick gathering of Mackeral we were fishing on our usual drifts.


Cam was the first to catch with a Small fish of about 3lb and a short while later a Squid of about 2 foot long.


We then started to catch a steady stream of Cuttlefish....at one point I had 2 wrapped round my bait with another one underneath......lovely big Cod baits... biggrin.gif


Charlie boated the biggest Bass of the day with a 5lb 8oz...well done mate


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After a move up on the shallower parts of the Ledge, we found our selfs sharing a drift with Alun on Gastronought.....here I managed a 3 and a half pounder on the freeline... biggrin.gif


Great day out.... did my finger the world of good.... rolleyes.gif



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