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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I was out there Friday and Saturday and although there was no wind those waves were there much of the day - so I guess normal. They look scary from a distance but have a long wave period so it's more like riding over a 15ft swell.


Not normal only seen them twice in 7 odd years, i think they are the leftovers of a storm far away.


First time we fished the shables thet were at least three times as big, slower moving but youshat yourself when one broke!


Bloody hell, I 'm glad that we didn't go over there.  We had swell up to about a metre and a half over The Bridge and it was breaking well on The Shingles but nothing like that ....


Been there once when the weather was glorious until the tide was full chat then we couldn't go anywhere on the banks and could only fish the fingers, tide died away then flat and fishable again.  It certainly is a strange place and at times not for the feint hearted



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