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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Another good day ..........

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>>>>>>> but looks like the last settled weekend for a while ......... typical !!!


Just as I've a holiday coming up when I'd be able to put in a few sessions...... the forecast is ..... downhill.......so it'll have to be Christmas cheer and flounder bashing !! ........ but that's to come.....and I'm still amazed by this year's whiting fishing.


Another good session today in the X-ray area; went out mid morning in patchy thin fog [ wierdly surreal ....... must be that movie !!] ...... good ol' GPS pointing me the right way ........ calm and frosty cold; then the sun comes through and it's all toasty warm with layers on !!


Steady tide and it's straight into a knock, knock, knock stream of bites..... whiting of all sizes [ coughing up sprats ] interspersed with plenty of doggies and a few junbo pout.


No pattern...... fish here , there ......... everywhere!! [ tried a few spots ..... all the same] ....... except today they wanted squid and mackeral went ignored except by the pout and dogs!


But mackeral did have the last shout ...... snaring a nice blonde ray in the last of the light.


Despite a freshening easterly....... easily crept back into Mudeford on the first of the flood. Another boat in from fishing near the Needles had conger, ray smoothies but no cod. Could fewer cod be part of the reason for masses of whiting....... or am I being too simplistic / naieve ??


I like whiting...... and lots of fish cooks will rate fresh whiting above the bland and chewy cod !!! ........ but I like cod as well !!


Lots of meals again this week,


Cheers, Alun.


Nice one Alun


Whiting we caught on weds were also coughing up sprats.


Could the lack of cod be because they are stuffed full of sprats and not hungry enough to eat squid that originates from california?






The reason why sprats may not work is because we fish our baits on the bottom and sprats are usually mid water.

we in south wales have tried mid water without success I may add a few years ago.When they are about a small whole live whiting is left on for that biggie which tends to be a better option.




I am sure mosyt of us have tried sprats as bait at some time for Cod


I for one have never had any luck with them. when the cod are stuffing them selves with live ones they do not seem to be interested in dead ones on the seabed.


I may however try a few for the larger whiting if I can get out over Christmas


Charlie biggrin.gif


Not a chance Kam


I may get permission for Christmas Eve, in fact I will earn brownie points if I keep the kids out of the way while Wendy is busy. and this year we have no guests on Boxing Day so we may sneak out then as well


But Christmas Day and Wendy's birthday on the 27th are not fishing days in our family.

I like my jacobs where they are thanks


Charlie biggrin.gif

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