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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Ive just been doing a bit of research into our freind the flounder .

quote.... " Flounders spawn in the open sea, the adults moving out of the rivers at the first frosts of the winter. Each population has a definite spawning area, and some of these are known to fisherman (J. peck maybe?? biggrin.gif )

Flounder eggs float as soon as they are laid,and gradually drift inshore.A female may lay one millon eggs. The period of spawning varies with the temperature, being between february and may. Flounders grow reasonably slowly,the young reaching 80-100 mm (3-4in) by the end of the year in which they hatched,and 150mm (6in) by the next june.Sexual maturity is reached when the male is only 12cm (5in) long, the female 18cm (7in). The maximum size is 51cm (20in) and weight of about 3kg (6 1/2lbs).

Young flounders hatched at sea move into the estuaries in late spring and early summer, riding up on the tide and lying stationary on the bottom of the ebb. Adult flounders move back into the estuaries and rivers after spawning.


Just thought It might be of intrest, for those of you who didnt know about our little flat freinds biggrin.gif





Just out of interest , the lake i fish for carp has two small stock ponds which have many small 50p sized flatties , its not realy tidal but the tide does back the little stream up and we do have a 4 inch pipe into the stream


Has anyone caught one of those single colour flounders in Poole Harbour or Christchurch? These are the ones that have no white belly and are dark on both sides.


Quite common in the Exmouth estuary, but not sure that I've heard of any in Poole???




Well I didn't know all that! rolleyes.gif


This is like watching the TV programe "How" with Jack Hargreves.


You youngsters will not recall him but he was good on all things country cool.gifcool.gif






Not really sure how salty the water needs to be for them, but on many barbel sessions on both the avon and stour i have seen loads of little flatties miles up river where there is hardly any tidal flow.









The programme that Jack Hargreaves hosted was called Out Of Town...brilliant, every friday night or was it tuesdays? now I'm showing my age biggrin.gif Spring starts to spring the cuckoo starts to sing the only place where I could settle down...you wrinklies will no what I'm on about laugh.gif


How was hosted by our very own southern presentor Fred Dinage I think?




Thanks Martin, I could not recall the name of the programe but he was on "How" as well I think.


I can here that tune to in my head, bet it stays with me for days! sick.gif





A well presented programme indeed, although his research for items was very up front. He once came up to my mate and I at Eyeworth pond in the New Forest, we were dragging garden worms across the lake bed for larger perch.......bugger me, he sat and watched us, a few weeks later guess what old Jacker is doing?? Yes dragging worms for perch, and old method he'd used as a boy!!!!! He did have good knowledge, but a lot wasnt his own!!




I recall Jack and the TV program well, it was about the only fishing one there was back then. and very rarely missed


I am sure all the presenters of such programs have to "borrow" a few ideas Rich


I have heard that some magazine articles have the author pictured with fish that were, shall we say "Caught in his absence".


One of the best things about fishing is the continuous learning process. and this Forum has been a great tool for that for the last 12 months


Nice one


Charlie biggrin.gif



Did the theme tune go something like this ;


Say what you will The countryside is still And mother nature wears a ...................


Cant remeber the rest but the tune is their


Can anyone remember Olly Kite , just a vague memory from when i was realy ,realy young same theme i think as jack but earlier


Found the words to the out of town theme:


Say what you will

The countryside is still

The only place that I could settle down

Troubles there are so much rarer

Out of town


Spring starts to spring

Robins start to sing

And Mother Nature wears her newest gown

What I'd give once more to live right

Out of town


Up there the sun

Is a big yellow duster

Polishing a clear, blue sky

With bright fluffy clouds in a cluster

Hanging on the line to dry


Spring starts to spring

Robins start to sing

And Mother Nature wears her newest gown

What I'd give once more to live right

Out of town


Ah memories, they don't make them like that anymore (thank god say my kids)



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