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I was invited to make numbers up on a short charter trip Friday evening .... I'm not a great fan of charter trips after my last experience on one of the more highly recommended local boats/skippers but as it was only a 5 hour trip I thought I'd give it a go. It couldn't have been more different! Real friendly skipper "ANDY"  on Random Harvest 11 took us out at 5.30 and had us back at 10.30pm


Only a couple of the other clients had fished before (and there were 3 kids there too) I only knew one other person but the skipper kept everyone in refreshments, had a selection of equipment and bait ready for everyone and generally made sure everyone had a great time.


He put us on the fish so everyone caught. About 50 bream (only about 6 kept) a million pout!!, few doggies, mackerel, a solitary dab and I had a smoothy. 


Anyone wanting to break youngsters in gently could do worse than go with this guy. 




Andy is doing Wednesday evening trips for The Fishing Lodge customers which you can book with Jay at the shop

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