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Took 3 of my boys out on Awol last night to do some water skiing.  The boys had a great time with me enjoying the moment, nothing better than having quality time with your offspring.  On the way back in the sea seemed alive with fishes chasing fishes, we lowered a set of feathers and landed a few mackerel for the table which was a great end to a brilliant evening.  I dropped 2 of my boys off at the beach then Lewis and I made our way back home.


Coming into Poole through the entrance I noticed several guys fishing from the car park adjacent the Haven Hotel then bang one idiot had cast out his lead weight and hit us :angry:   No actual damage done to persons or boat however I was furious thinking what might have happened.  Without a thought I recovered the guys gear onto my boat then made to the pier used by harbour ferries and went to locate the idiot.   When found I felt like punching him but instead had a right go pointing out in no uncertain terms what he could have done. 

Hopefully after the serious ear bashing that guy learnt a lesson and I must admit having got the anger off the chest did make me feel a whole lot better but should I of bothered? Has this happened to you? If so what did you do? If not what do you think you would do if it did?


BTW the guy was a whole lot bigger than me but anger/adrenalin does make you very brave :ph34r:



Had a similar thing when I came into Poole quay to get some refreshments a couple of years ago.

I came in very very slow(unusual )and his line was around my prop with duly emptied his reel,he went ballistic at me and threatened to do all sorts to me.

I then pointed out in a similar manner that if he didn't notice the big white boat I was in perhaps a visit to spec savers.....didn't help the situation but didn't think it warranted physical action especially with all the CCTV,we parted company still not friends😎


Some people really are twerps, they fish from marine infrastructure put in place to facilitate servicing ships and boats then get pissy when one appears.


I avoid lines like the plaque if I can.  The last thing I would want is mono around my prop/leg causing allsorts of untold damage 




Martin as you know theirs nout stranger than folk it takes all types. Leave the aggression to younger folk as you know it takes us an age to forget it and get over it. Your first thought needs to be I think a large glass of red should sought that out.

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