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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Rare chance to fish on Unfished stretches of the A

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Lads.....any of you who partake of the old Coarse fishing, I am organising a small pike fishing foray on the stretch of Avon I keep for a private customer. This 2 1/2 mile stretch of water comprises of the Main Avon, and two carriers, has three sluices, adn plenty of well overgrown bank for predators to hide under. Its hardly ever fished, so presents a rare opportunity to hook into previously never hooked specimens. The chub go like trains, I can assure you!


At present, the Salmon are in full spawning mode, the Carrier looking more like a brothel, than a fishery, so as soon as these have completed the spawn, and left the carrier, I'd like to arrange for a days predatory mangement, target species being Chub, Pike, and Perch. Chub go to about 4 1/2 lbs, pike well into 20's and perch are knocking around the 2 1/2 lb mark.


Current EA fish movement licensing prevents unauthorised fish movement from the river, so I am looking at rehoming any caught above the two large sluices on the water.


Post here in the first instance, and we will discuss further, at a later date.




Hi Rich.,


What a great offer!


I used to do a lot of coarse fishing but switched to sea fishing as my culinary interests / skills developed.


I have caught, cooked, eaten and enjoyed chub, pike, perch and many other freshwater fish but often get strange looks from some fellow anglers by taking fish.


In the fish kitchen one fish stands out above all the others..... the PERCH....... this has beautiful sweet white flakey flesh ......better than trout , salmon or eel.


A shame they are often so small...... with thick skin and a big hollow body, you need one well over a pound to be a useful starting point!


As a youngster, the second fish I ever caught was a two pounder.......... and was probably responsible for this lifelong interest...... and I've never caught a better one since. This opportunity could be something special !!






sounds great, i have been out loads this winter piking and done well. last boxing day i had a 8.9oz salmon on the avon, but put them back this time of year.


if any1 needs to borrow any decent carp rods and bait runners or pike terminal tackle PM me, ive got carp and pike gear comming out of my ears.




i have never tried corse fishing properly i would not mind giving it a go sumtime i will proberly enjoy it.


rich if you no a local place to give it a go let me now


When I was young and lived in Oxford, used to do a lot of spooning and plugging for perch and pike, largest perch was about 2 1/2lb.


Would be up for it if day of week is right.


i would be up for it but dont now if would be able to considering getting there seen as i cannot drive.


keep me informed of any corse fishing trips allways up for it even if only a young lad im always up for a days fishing u know me!


tight lines sam



Would fishers require an EA Rod licence - or being a private stretch, is this exempt? would the plan be to buy a day licence ?


Used to fish a stretch downstream of severals, and occaisionally bisterne - cracking barbel and chub.


Where approximately on the avon ? - North or South of Ringwood ?


if anyone has a few joeys left in the freezer, good for a Pike deadbait.




Ok guys, now I know there is a good interest, I will post a few dates, and we can all check calenders, and see which is best for all of us. The area in question, is north of Ringwood, I wont place on the site, in case of unwanted guests arriving on the fishery in search of out of season salmon.....they are easy pickings at this time of year, and poachers will still remove them from redds


The chub will take usual coarse baits, I have also snagged them on small shads, and the perch and pike are not too easily spooked. The fishery has been in private ownership for twenty seven years, and as such, has not been coarse fished positively at all. Electro fishing has been the main source of predator management, but I am keen to see how this works. I am willing to take up to eight people onto the river, so anyone who is keen to come, please IM me, and I will speak either individually, or see you at the forthcoming club meeting.


Happy New Year all, tight lines, Rich


Adam, Paul J and I sneaked down to the Avon, today, and fished deadbaits, small spinners, and small Stormy's over a fair amount of the Fishery.


We snagged five Pike, Adam bagging three, his best fish going around the ten pounds mark, I sneaked one and Paul J sneaked one too. All these fish fell to tiny Stormy's, all fished under an overhanging Willow, so I was very pleased, as will the fishery owner when I report back to him tomorrow. We also managed some fine trout, which although out of season, were still in full fight, and some in very good condition. Adam also picked up a very good perch, although it spat the stormy at the bankside, we saw the fish and would estimate this beauty at about two pound, still good to see.


Thanks for coming down lads, we will arrange a full day with a few more of us, and try the section above the mill sluice, and give deadbaits a good try. I thouroughly enjoyed the company, and can someone teach Adam how to tie on a lure??? HeHe!!




rich when you planning the trip


i am up for it and dad said he will prob bring me up daniel would want to come aswell let me now i always want to try new things


tight lines sam


Yes, Cheers Rich - a cracking day that made a real treat/change from bobbing up and down on the briney!


A super stretch of beautiful river. I had a very productive day with around a dozen out of season trout, 3 pike to about 10lb and almost a good perch of 2lb.


ALL fish came to a 3" Wildeye Curl Tail Minnow. This outfished EVERYTHING on the day, and it was really amazing to watch the action of the lure and the fish in such shallow crystal clear water. These lures look SO much like the real thing. Even the standard Stormies look poor in comparison.


I have ordered a few packets for the Weymouth Bass!


Cheers Rich, look forward to doing it again soon!





Hi Adam,


What did you do with the pike ?? This size of pike are the best to cook with , lovely firm flesh and big enough to deal with the forked bones.


If you ever get a good sized perch........ I'm sure we could arrange some sort of favour / exchange [ perch are one of my favourites !!] ???


Glad you enjoyed your day; I'd love to see some of those lures..... a form of fishing I've not done for years.






Hi Alun,


The pike we left for the foxes I regret to say. Killing fish, especially freshwater fish is not something I like doing.


However this stretch is a premier trout fishery and the pike eat these - hence the need to remove them. We should have contacted you to arrange to drop the pike off.


I havent ever tried eating freshwater fish, and to be honest I dont really fancy it - not at all fussy re. what I eat, have tried most things, but I view freshwater fish more as sport than food - a view I am begining to take with some sea fish.


A good sized perch (over 2lb) is an extreme rarety, say like a 15lb bass, and the taking of freshwater fish is also viewed extremely dimly. Freshwater anglers are under much more pressure than us salties from the anti's - killing fish to eat them would be the final straw in their eyes. Indeed if one was caught removing and eating fish from a private fishery it would mean certian explusion and possible prosicution - dont forget many owner have to pay for their fish stocks.


Not having a go at all, just expalining the majority view.


If we go again and get a few pike - Ill bring them for you.




Will call you today at some stage James.......like Adam says, uits unfortunate that the pike have to be removed, I electrofished the Carrier we fished in october 2003, and took 34 pike out. A few have returned although its at this time of year, that the hen fish seek out areas which flood to spawn, so they will be moving to holding spots, in order to reproduce.


I have also been given permission on two other fisheries I work on, the Test, at Timsbury, 2 miles of main river and a mile of carrier, and about a mile and a half of the Itchen, at Eastliegh. I had a flick down at the itchen after downing a few trees yesterday, and squeaked out a seven pounder second cast!! Taken on a similar lure to the small stormy, although this one had a treble dangling under the body.... bit of a pain, as this hook kept snagging weed.


We will try for late january guys ok??


Tight lines...Rich


Late January sounds great - but have 2 weeks Jury service so I am unlikely to be available during the week mad.gif


Oh well that's life - I am sure you will have a great time without me ph34r.gif

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