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Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club

Competition Rules

1. Introduction

1.1 Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club runs a number of fishing competitions throughout the year for its members. These rules offer guidance to ensure that all members enjoy the competitions on equal terms.
1.2 All club competitions are run on trust. Please be honest in your fish recording and weighing. The club advises minimum stable weight to be taken when weighing fish at sea.
1.3 The club is keen to ensure that a conservationist approach is maintained in all fishing activity of the club and that any fish not required for consumption should be returned unharmed to the sea as quickly as possible.
1.4 Unless otherwise stated (e.g. 48hr Competition / Open Competition) fishing times will be any continuous 7 hour period between 0600 and 1800 – this flexibility allows anglers to work around tide and launching restrictions
1.5 To be eligible for a competition, fish have to be caught by a Club Member from a boat that meets the club boat definition [as specified by section 3.1 of the Club constitution]. The boat is not on charter and has no fee paying passengers onboard at the time of the competition.
1.6 To fish the competitions you have to register before you start fishing, this can be done by:
1.6.1 Contacting the Competition Secretary the night before by phone, text or email.
1.6.2 Via a thread on the forum
1.6.3 On the day of the competition by contacting the Competition Secretary on Channel 6, by phone, by text or by contacting any Member of the Club Committee.
1.7 If a boat / individual is not registered for a competition prior to fishing, then their catch will not be included in the outcome of the competition.

2. Safety

2.1 The decision, to proceed with any club competition, or to cancel based on the weather forecast, in advance of the date will be made between the Competition Secretary and the Club Safety Officer.
2.2 The competition may be limited to a specific area if necessary.
2.3 It is the responsibility of every individual skipper to make a decision as to whether to put to sea. Consideration must be given to the weather forecast for the duration of the trip, the capability of the crew and the size and sea worthiness of their boat / vessel. A passage plan should then be developed .
2.4 Club waters are identified as being between the longitude [ 001 17.813W ] that passes through St Catherine’s Point and the Longitude [ 002 27.406W] that passes through the tip of Portland Bill and as far South as France.
2.5 In all club organized competitions a minimum of two people must be onboard the boat at all times. The second person needn’t be a club member, and needn’t be fishing – they are there for the safety of the club angler.
2.5.1 Fish entered for the Fish of the Month and Best of Species annual competitions are exempt of rule 2.5 above.
2.6 Kayaks will be permitted to enter competitions if;
They register in pairs or groups - depart, fish and return together.
Fish a maximum distance of 400 meters apart and remain within eyesight of each other, according to the weather conditions.

3. Fishing and Tackle

3.1 All fish must be caught and landed from the boat, not from tenders or harbour walls.
3.2 All fish caught count for competitions. For retention of fish - the Angling Trust minimum sizes apply in conjunction with Local Bye-Laws.
3.2.1 Angling Trust advice on MLS’s and sizes of Sexual maturity can be found at; http://www.anglingtr...es For Sea Fish
3.3 In each competition a maximum of two rods per competitor and 3 hooks in total can be used.
• No more than three hooks are allowed on a single trace
• A treble hook counts as one hook.
• A Pennell rig counts as one hook – as long as both hooks are in the same bait.
3.4 Artificial lures are permitted – if normally fitted, additional hooks allowed i.e. Rapalas with 2 sets of treble hooks. Mackerel feathers for bait fishing etc
3.5 If another rod is being used for bait fishing, nothing caught on that rod can be recorded
3.6 Photos are not required when recording fish to the fish recorder – unless identification is required.
3.7 All catch reports need to be logged to the fish recorder ASAP or by the end of the month of capture.
3.8 All catches to be recorded need to be listed on the Catch Report Forum.
• Either via the club’s online catch recorder - http://www.pbsbac.co...hreportform.htm
• Or Via Email to the Fish Recorder – or on the club website by PM

4. Disputes

4.1 Any dispute arising over identification of a fish will be settled by the Fish Recorder - his decision on all matters concerning identification will be final.

5. Please Note:

5.1 The Club will not be liable to any claim due to mechanical breakdown or any other cause.
5.2 No rubbish of any kind is to be thrown into the sea it should all be brought home for disposal.
5.3 Any broken fishing tackle or fishing line should be recovered and disposed of on land.
All competitions are fished with the philosophy of Conservation in mind, fish should only be taken if they are to be eaten, all undersize and unwanted fish to be returned alive and unharmed.

6 Competition Specific Information


6.1 Fish of the Month – Best specimen award per Member - Tackle voucher prize - only one per Member per year. If already awarded,
then next best specimen receives the voucher.. if already awarded.. Next best specimen etc. Voucher winners to be
notified and prizes collected at Club monthly meetings.

6.2  Annual Species Hunt – All club boats are eligible - see separate rules

6.3  Spring Species Hunt – To catch one fish of as many species as possible – top angler with greatest number of species wins.

6.4 Kayak's species comp – When possible to coincide with Anglers Afloat – Local Rules apply. Other competitions may be run – Spring Plaice Chase etc with separate rules attached. 

6.5  Bream comp –  When possible to coincide with Poole Sea Angling Centre Competition – Local Rules Apply – Best specimen wins

6.6  48 Hr Competition – Best Specimen – per angler. From 6pm Friday to 6pm Sunday £5.00 entry – 1st, 2nd and Third prizes will be paid out ASAP after the competition.

6.7 Summer Species Hunt – 1 of each species to be counted per Angler – top angler wins.

6.8  Bass Competition – Best Specimen – per Angler

6.9 Annual Open Competition – see separate rules

6.10 Flatfish & Ray Specimen Comp – Best Specimen of each per Angler

6.11 Cod Comp – Best specimen per Angler


6.12 Bob Horne Memorial Flounder Comp - Best Specimen per Angler – An Xmas Hamper will be available each year as the prize

6.13 Junior Competition – Best Specimen Competition run from June to end of August

Fishing Club Competition Rules AGM 4/4/.2013

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