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hi all


got up at 7 was out the house for half 7 went and picked up me friend decide not to fish the castaway comp and try and head out for the conger.


heading out got over taken by blue warrior with adam and rich onboard rich pulling funny faces as they flew passed.


but the weather was not on our side so we got to the end of the swas channel and decided to turn back and head up by fursy island for some flounder daniel caught 1 1lb 14oz also being followed by a smaller 1 but he was not fishing with a wish bone so he only caught one.


at about 1 o clock we called it a day and headed back home


how did you guys get on?




Decided to go Cod Fshing with Duncan today but the weather was not looking good this morning.

It was blowing some and didn't think we would be able to get out and armed with only squid, it looked like we had got it wrong.


However we took a look outside and it seemed pretty flat so we followed the Truckline out to Ballard.

The swell became apparent and it was looking doubtful, however we pressed on slowly while still making our mind up about wether it was going to be fishable or not.

The further we got out the better it got and as we had wind with tide we decided to give it ago around the Spoil grounds.


The fishing was slow for 3 of us, i got a Conger of 20-25lbs and our friends Dave and Phil got a few Dogs and a couple of Whiting.

It definatley was Duncans day who got:


A Cod of 18lbs, a Conger 30-35lbs, 2 Blonde Rays to 18lbs, some Whiting and i can't remember what else but i had a busy day netting fish!


A very enjoyable day and good to see some fish being caught.


Paul J



As Sam said we had intended to get out.


Out of the Marina by 8 15, but as we went down the Swash the Kids [in their lifejackets] did not look that keen and we turned about by the training bank post.


We had all the gear for a Cod/ Conger trip plus light gear and a few worms so at least we had a second option.

1 Flounder to Dan and a early tea


Not the day we had hoped for, but great to be afloat again.


Well done Duncan,

When I left the Yacht Haven I was hoping to get to the spoils as I thought that was about the limit for today and had potential.

At least your success proved the theory right.


Nice to see some good fish are available outside, I await reports on how many Flounders came to the other boats inside, and the size of the winning fish.




Can you confirm weight for the fish book


Well thanks to Paul for the pictures and the write up.


As said we didn't have any worm so were limited in our options - we did however have (as we eventually found out) squid, cuttle, sandeels, herring and roach.....


All were tried and eaten by something.


I also need to thank my fishing companions for a good scent trail - 10 or so squid on a pennel (or even 3 hooks) certainly bought the fish on for me.... rolleyes.gif I stuck it out again with single calamari or a small cuttle strip (sprat size) or a roach(?!) and ended up with 6 species - 7 if you count an edible crab.


Paul did have a good conger which cheered him up a bit but seemed intent on being a photographer for the day - and a good job he did too.


Overall a great day - made better by the early thoughts that we were in for a really bad weather blank. Having to follow behind the truckline once through the swash to maintain speed pretty much summed it up and we made the last mile or so at 6 knots - don't mind that coming home (used to it!) but heading out..... sick.gif


Hi all


Glad to see some of you got out and caught fish dry.gif , some more than others it seems.


I was intending to go out, although I had not registered for the flounder comp.


All things loaded in the car and boat, tried to pull away in the drive .................we were going nowhere! sad.gif


Try as I might I could not get the brakes from the trailer to unstick mad.gif


Nothing for it but to strip the hubs down and see why.


After 2+hrs I tried again, one wheel turned but the other side was stuck solid also mad.gifmad.gif


So by this time I was getting a dab hand at striping hubs, brake shoes off and on. We had now lost 4+hrs so fishing was off so I took the boat and trailer out for a run to bed the brakes and make sure the hubs did not run too hot.


Quick dash up the dual carrageway towards Wareham and back soon confirmed all was well including a few sharpish stops. smile.gif


Took boat back to house and then poped down to Baiter to see if anyone was about. Only one boat was washing down, Warrior 165, and as it was cold and windy went for a walk along Sandbanks with the FPO. (Earning mre points! wink.gifwink.gif )


At least it saved a possible good day's fishing the next time


A frustrated





I went out with BW, with Rich and Gordon Moore as crew.


We started down Blood Alley way, but after an hour nothing, so we shot round to Rockley, which has always been a good bet for me in the past. Both Gordon and I managed one here, both about 1lb 13oz, so not massive, but an ellusive flounder nonetheless!


We tried up at Wareham, with Rich finally catching one, down off Baiter, off the Ferry Terminal and fianlly in Holes Bay.


A very hard day fish wise, but was great to get out again, great company and a good laugh.


The only bad thing about the day was that I left my jumper and fleece in the Mariner Club....is anyone going down this week? If so it was a green Bourneouth Fishing Lodge sweatshirt and a green 'Chub' Fleece.








I had the same problem with my brakes sticking on.


I no longer use the handbrake when storing the boat. I use chocks under the wheels and leave the brakes off. Not had binding brakes since.







Same here - I dont think it is the fault of anything - just brakes and water dont mix very well!!


I have now adjsuted my brakes so that they have a minimal effect - just enough to slow the trailer, and hold it on an incline without the car attached, but enough to ensure that they dont bind. Every morning I use the boat, they stick for the first 3/4 times then they free themselves. I can live with that. Try adjusting the brakes about 1/10 of a turn each time - it is surpirsing how much effecxt this has.




Hi All, Just thought id join in and add a little report about sat/sun. I wanted to have a go at the castaways comp on sunday (this would have been my first boat comp),but after digging worms at 7am sat We had to rush to the boat yard to pay the marine engineer for the engine service and fitting of a second battery and master switch(how much ohmy.gif ?!!!!!!!)and also pick up the keys the trouble and strife and myself went round to my pal derecks house for a soothing cup o tea(should have been a large whiskey for the shock but i'm driving ) . We all decided that the entrance fee would be better spent on fuel and some more worms blink.gif

and being so exited at getting silver rose back after a long wait we decided to go out sat afternoon and make a night of it . Another fishing buddy of mine phoned me about the comp so we invited him along too. So off to the boatyard we go with everything including the bacon and eggs for brekky. We loaded all and sundry into the boat a few ltiile thingsas to do then off we go biggrin.gif .......Not I plugged in the fishfinder switched on ....nothing!! hmmmm checked the radio ...nothing ...no power to anything except the engine!!! sad.gifsad.gif not a happy bunny upon looking or the problem I disover the engineer had cut the main power cable to the console and not reconnected it !!!!!!! mad.gifmad.gif into me van i go out with some cable and tape to make a temp repair that done we head for the slip ....In the water at last. of we go to wareham.All is well apart from my night vision we anchor up settle down to a nice cup o tea and bacon buttie (cooked by my lovely wife Rose)..(brownie points biggrin.gif ) couple of hours nothing ok move back towards rockley a tad settle again fish biting very well a few flounders an a couple of nice bass this is heaven all the trouble forgotten.then me mobile plays its merry tune hmmmm our student has arrived back from a trip with no key to get in the house mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif so back we go to the boatyard into the van and home to let her in . after this we got back to the same spot as before and continued fishing we packed up at about 11or 12 sun morning with a total in the boat (we had some escapees) of 19 flounder of sizes between 1lb and 2lb8oz and six bass up to 3lb6oz made it all seem worth whilean the wife had the freshest fish ever one flounder straight off the hook an into the frying pan ! (now she loves me laugh.gif ) One thing i must say is i was supprised at the lack of boats fishing up at wareham end of the harbour on sun morning .I'm not sure but i think we followed the boat Pilchard on our way back into rockley?


Nice report,


I expect that your engineer had his ears warmed up a bit yesterday.


A good catch, and a good trip after a slow start.


If you are a Member of the Club please email me a catch report of those that you would like in the fish recorders log,

Sorry that I have to ask but its hard to keep up with all the new Members at the moment.




While on the subject of reports, I had a call last night from Peter Peck.

He also got out on Sunday on Lady Margeret and John had a cracking Blonde Ray that easily beats the Club record.

It bottomed out his scales at 14.5kg but was quite a lot heavier.

As the fish was returned he is recording it at 14.5kg, that's 31lb 14oz to you and me.

Paul can you update the record on the site please.


Very nice fish, and a big specimen to start the year with.




WoW!!!! That is a huge fish!! well done to peter.


What is the british record for blondes? I was reading yesterday that this is one of the best months for a big blonde....now all we need is a window in the weather.




Hi Adam


The British record [boat caught] stands at 38lb 9 oz rolleyes.gif


Caught at the overfalls at the Nab Tower in 2000


Shore record is shared by two fish both caught in the channel islands, 1 in Alderney [for those going in May, better take a powerfull beach Rod] the other Jersey.


John caught the Blonde on Sunday, a very nice fish. His Dad just did the netting and recorded the fish to me.


Shame that they were not carrying their heavy scales.

Very good to see that they would rather accept 14.5kg than kill it to weigh ashore later. biggrin.gif


Nice one biggrin.gif


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