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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After reading Rob's exploits with Blue shark last year Matt and I have been toying with the idea of a weekend or longer trip down to Dartmouth or Brixham to have a go at these toothy critters.

With a crack at the Lyme bay wrecks and reefs going down and poss the skerries for flats this trip has some interesting varied potential particularly as we have not made Alderney this year.

Is anybody else interested in buddying up and making this a club trip ???



I've also been thinking about doing this type of trip, Random harvest charter based at Poole done it last year and had 7 blues and he's going again in august


Time running out a bit this summer but guess we would be looking at sometime in August on mid range tides. Pretty flexible at moment


I suspect this could be done equally well in local waters with a big groundbait trail for the balloon floats, and the odd bottom rod to keep the interest going.


I'd imagine feathering in the rubby-dubby slick would keep the mackerel supply going.


Several of us have lost sharks off Old Harry and the Purbecks in recent years in 80' of water or less. They're there, but no-one targets them seriously.


I think a key question isn't so much how far do you have to go, but how close do they come?




I'll be there this month, made up some more shark traces and floats on Saturday!!!


Got a few ideas too as I had not really researched it last year!!!


If the weather plays, watch this space!


Last year:






70 from Durlston.


Tbh, I am thinking about specifically taking JoJo later in the summer (after the trip

In a few weeks) for a longer shot at the blues if the trip soon goes well.



Anyone else fancy trailering down too?



Got an autographed copy :)


We are having a go at the beagles off Portland this year, saw a pretty tidy one on a bass wreck during the WSF meet, darn near had a bass I was playing at the time!


Also planning to take "Osprey" down for a couple of weeks to Cornwall for the blues.  Probably go round to Fowey. 


As Mike Fox says, you don't have to go far to catch sharks.


I paired up with another boat a few years ago and drifted off St Catherine's point. We each had a big sack of Burley and floated 100m apart with the ebbing tide and as Mike suggested, simply feathered for mackerel as we drifted. With three live baits on floats off each boat, set at different depths, we just drifted along, dropping a constant flow of mackerel chunks as we went.


The baiting process was hard work, keeping all on board fully occupied, but we were rewarded with six runs, of which three were hooked and brought to the boat - two porbeagles and a thresher. No pics I'm afraid and it was a few years ago, but they are out there, and much bigger than the West Country Blues.


These days I get more shark fishing than I need on my annual trips to NZ. Biggest last season (April this year) was a 10' Bronze whaler caught while emptying the contents of my bait freezer as Burley before coming home. But the best catch to date for me was my son landing a 70kg Mako shark hooked on sabikis on a light bait rod, 20lb line and no leader. These things jump like Marlin when hooked! Luckily we were not at anchor, so I was able to chase the fish around the bay while the shark repeatedly emptied 200yds off the small multiplier. But he landed it, unhooked it and we watched it swim away.


As you can imaging, a 23' boat is no place to be playing with a 10' shark on board.


Good luck to those that try. Maybe we'll give it a go on JV on a nice calm summers day when we get one.




Thanks Ian


that sort of puts our fishing in perspective, wish we could get the men in grey suits as often as they do in NZ


but if we had them eating our table fish I expect we would soon be cursing them.

You have some better fish to target than sharks, but here the sharks are the apex preditor


So the time has come and the boat is loaded - plenty of heavy gear and some light stuff for the bassing \ plaice.


Feeling better prepared than last year so another Blue will be a bonus. We are earlier than last year, but hope they are about!


Just not sure what to do with one  like this:


Measured at 190lb i think - looks way bigger to me! Caught this week on Bite Adventures from Penzance, Cornwall.







Tight lines chaps!




No blues this time! Too early & no macs.


We are thinking if heading back in September.


I can do a post on floats, traces and chumming if anyone is interested (not that it worked yesterday!!!!).




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