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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Recreational sea angling within the District – Questionaire


Southern IFCA are responsible for the sustainable management of inshore fisheries resources between Lyme Regis and Chichester Harbour, out to 6 nautical miles. One of our main work streams this year covers recreational sea angling. Sea angling is a major fishing sector in the District providing significant economic inputs to local communities. There are a number of areas of work associated with furthering the developments of the sector which we will be implementing over the coming years. As part of this process we are very keen on gathering opinions and information from sea anglers across the District and have developed this associated questionnaire. If you are an angler within the District or visit the Southern District for your recreational angling experience, please fill in the questionnaire and email it back to us: enquiries@southern-ifca.gov.uk.

Many thanks for your time.

Sea Angling Questionnaire – online



Now is your chance as recreational anglers to have your say on how Southern IFCA can help anglers.


We need as many people as possible to submit their thoughts and ideas


As the saying goes USE IT OR LOOSE IT


If you want the SIFCA page for the survey go here  http://www.southern-...k/category/news


I have already done mine. Interestingly, I have just been sent a Copy to fill in from another Fishing Club that has sent an individual one to all its Members and anyone else they think may be interested asking them to fill it in.






we've moaned in the past about not even being recognized let alone been listened to so now they seem to be listening lets make sure we have something to say.

Getting the correct balance in representation ( its always been considered pro commercial in the past~) is a hot topic at the moment and hopefully it will be addressed to reflect that we the RSA are the biggest and most valued stakeholder



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