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Lads, anyone help me out here?? I have a 30lb class Penn downtider, which was inadvertantly wedged in my truck door, taking the tip off.


It has sat in the garage for a couple of years now, and being a tight git, I never threw it away. Seeing this newish breed of fibre glass tipped rods on the market now, does anyone think I can repair this rod?? Shame to see an almost new rod gathering dust.......at least if I cant catch on it, I can take it out a few times!!! wink.gif


Replies welcome! Rich


Which model and how much have you lost Rich?


Generally I would have thought you could move the top 2-3 rings around a bit and end up with a slightly 'stronger' rod.




Take the butt cap off and slide a piece of glass fibre up the blank and whip it in to create a splice. This is how quiver tips are made.


I may be able to help with this as I never throw anything away and may have a piece in the garage.


Give me a call and Ill explain.




Duncan, I've considered your option, and would rather fish lighter than heavier, as this rod would err on the side of a 50lb class than a 30lb. It's the top 8-10 " that are missing, I think three rings. They are fuji's, and apparently these are hard to come by now(??).

Adam, I will bung it in the truck one day, and you can have a glegg next time we're Piking, ok??




understood - I was mentally thinking around 2-3 inches!


however I suspect you would be better off accepting it as a 50lb class rod and treating yourself to a ..........12-20 Conlon or equivelent.


Duncan, the rod in question is a Penn Extreme 20-30 downtider, length should be 7'6", but I have lost 14" of the top. The internal diameter of the tip is 5mm, and three fuji guides are missing, this includes tip ring. I have an ABU 25-35lb class as a replacement, which is great for conger-ray etc, I also have two 6-12 class downtide, which I use for lighter wrecking jobs, I have tweaked a 30lb conger out of a wreck using this, and boated pollack of 16lb, and ling of 22lb, on these lighter rods, so I am happy with them.


So, I would prefer to repair this Penn 20-30 if possible, as its almost spankers. Do you think it has too much tip lost to repair with a fibre glass inserted tip?? Also, would I have to replace all rings to ensure the guides are all in correct spacings?? Where would one source a tip??


Can't you just tell I've never done this before!!!!!!!




Simple answer Rich is that whilst inserting a solid, or any other, tip will get you a rod it won't be rod you started with!

Any repair will affect the flex action and untimately create a weak spot - this may not be the actual repair but one end or other of it. The examples of club members having rod failures at the point where the blanks had been in contact with the transom when running out to marks show how any weakness will get exploited - especially if you fish on the light side!


Personaly I would get a Ron Thompson g-force 20lb for 34 squid or a team Normark 20lb from tacklebargins half price at 60 and get the Penn remade/re rung to what's left of the blank - at 6ft 9" it should be a nice powerfull rod.


Of course if Paulj's contact can redo your Penn then go for it!


Paul, Duncan, many thanks. Having considered both options, I will plum for a rebuild on the old rod, and a cheaper replacement in the 20lb class. Do you have experience of both rods you have named Duncan? They seem reasonably priced.


Cheers again lads, Rich

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