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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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There are a few type of cmap about


There is the original CF 85, still available from c map, but plotters for this chip had been discontinued some time ago.

C map NT which is no longer available although you can still get updates for them.

C map NT+ which is the current version, all singing all dancing, tells you tides, nav aids, etc.


Not all plotters use c map, some use G's blue chart/map?


I think it's wiser to get a plotter then a chip.

Coddy u trendy young thang you!!

Trendy? Trendy?


My old flares will soon come back in fashion as well as the Tank top jumpers ready for the cool summer evenings.


I was getting into 'Garage' music but the fuse went in the plug which is located in the garage! laugh.giflaugh.gif


I just need to find a gold medalian on a long chain to hang around the stick on hairy chest wig! ph34r.gif


Wicked man! You cool dude!






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