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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi gents. can you help with some information please. Been out three times on my boat Sea-Nile. not got anything except a Red Gurnard, three Mac's and a dog fish. I'm planing to go on Sunday weather permitting. Now I wouldn't ask you to give me your marks, I don't think thats fair, you work hard to find them and I need to do the same.  But looking on here you say Southborne Rough and  X Ray? is that marked on the chart or is it some type of club secret code. I would love to catch a Bass, just one would be great. Also what terminal tackle do I need, are you just using lure's or do I need to buy some Squid.  Finally I joined the club earlier in the year but haven't managed to get to the monthly meeting's because of working away from home, but will be there next week and looking forward to it. 





Hi Stan


With the big tides weekend you may struggle other than at slack water at Xray which as the same suggests is a mark for rays. Generally you'd fish for those on smaller tides/at slack using a running leger rig with a half fillet (lengthways) of mackerel or a sandeel (or both) on about a 5/0 hook but this weekend you won't get a lot of slack water (may be fishable 9am-2pm when it slows down).


You may have some joy for a bass on Southbourne Rough - bass like fast water, generally the method I use is a Portland Rig with a long 25lb fluorocarbon trace (8 feet) with a live mackerel on the end hooked through the nose - failing that they will take lures like Sidewinders - again on a long trace - I like the 6 inch blue ones for bass. Southbourne Rough is a general area of rough ground a couple of miles off Southbourne, about 60 feet of water. You should also get a decent number of species using ragworm there.


Hope that helps, do ask if you need any more help and I'm sure we'll all do our best!




This weekends tides are big, so as Oli says drifting for Bass is a good option.


If you would rather anchor, stay on the banks and contours to the east of the end of hook sands.


Plenty of rays about at the moment, flowing trace and mackerel or squid bait.


Good luck




Hi Stan,

There are club marks listed, for members. Definitely worth putting all in your plotter, so you can check them out when in the area.


In general, mackerel and squid work well as bait a few miles out, ragworm closer in.


Anchoring a mark precisely increases catches compared to drifting.


Keep a good mix of leads on board, and have traces or rigs pre-made, with a full range of hook sizes, remembering that fluorocarbon is least visible as a trace line.


Keep changing gear, until you know what works.



Ps watch the charter boats for mackerel location, they were doing half day trips to the Sadler Buoy the other weekend, and keeping their punters happy.


Sadler - now there is a location I have no idea where it is! Is it called Sadler or is that a given name? Anyway, where is this please?


Nice day out. Thanks for putting me in the area Oli and all the guys who have commented on my post with help. Plenty of Mac's. one Ballon Wrasse and a Four and a Half Pound Bass. Ticked off my list. I was starting to think they only existed in the fish mongers. May even join the species comp next year. On the down side, don't those Cuttle Fish love jelly lures. Every time I hit the bottom they were after it, and followed it all the way back up. Great day out. One last thing. It has been said before on the site what a great club this is. You guys who have lots of experience and been doing this for years. You don't know how much your help and support is appreciated. I hope when I get older and more experienced I will be helping the new guys. OH just remembered I'm 65, I am old.


Well done Stan, if you fancy trailer ink down to Portland we will,show young few tricks down our way .... Or come out with us again!



Thanks Peter, I'd love to go out with you again, it was great. I like my little boat, but hey you can't beat a little comfort, when your Bassing next and you have a place, let me know. I got my bass, but would be nice to go with someone to see if i'm boing it right. But I did enjoy my day out.

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