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I am in the middle of re-wiring all the extra bits on the boat ie electronics, bilg pump etc.


While tidying up all the other spaghetti, I decided to remove the trim guage for testing and to tidy up the loom as it has never worked.


One of the wires running to it comes from a small plug in the back of the throttle / gear remote. A single purple wire. Can anyone tell me the function and by disconecting all the wires to the guage, am I going to have problems with the remote / tilt and trim?






Gordon Radio, sorry wireless Moore tongue.giftongue.gif


The trim gauge is there to tell you the angle your engine is trimmed at.


Could be useful but in truth I never use mine. The reason being after using your boat for a while you instinctively know if your engine is at the correct angle/trim




Remove the plug completely, you shouldnt have any problems with your t&t as this plug is just to transfer info from your engine to the guage. Well at least that was how an old evinrude engine I had was set up.




my money is on the purple wire being the safety.


it is the circuit that prevents the engine being started in anything other than neutral based on a sender in the throttle/gear unit.


depending on how it's wired cutting it will either (1) prevent the engine from being started at all or (2) enable it to be started in gear


either way doesn't sound clever to me........... sad.gif


facinated as to why you would want to cut a wire when you don't know what it's for? huh.gif


of course I may be entirely wrong as usual - and look forward to hearing what it was




What type of engine and controls do you have?


On my Suzuki controls there is a signal that goes from the control box to the Trim meter. When the start key is moved to the IGNITION position (or START), it sends a signal to the trim meter to turn it on and allow the trim setting to be shown. I assume it is a 12V power signal.


The same signal also goes to the tacho.


It may be this.







Gordon as you know the colour of the wire coming out of the box just contact a dealer for your engine and they should know what that wire is for.


As Duncan says there is no need to cut the wire to find out.

several wires come out of control boxes for instruments ie:

Trim gauge, oil level, Tacho etc and if your boat was not fitted with these things they would not be connected to anything, except a blank to stop water getting in.


I am sure it is nothing to dramatic


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