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Spoke to Nigel on Thursday and decided that wrecking looked good for Sunday even though he would still have the after effects of the dinner and dance but it would be worth it. We turned up at McDonald's at 7-30 for the obligatory egg Mcmuffin breakfast and coffee . Nigel was complaining about a bad back caused by carrying all his trophies home I think he was trying to let me know he had actually won something.

We boarded the boat and in a nano second we were gone only 48 miles to go. As we crossed the shipping lanes The further south we got the shipping traffic was the buisiest I'd seen in years. There were ais targets every where and they looked like swarms of star fighters sent by daft Ada . We spoke about putting our AIS on for safety but decided that Mr Lynes was probably using his AIS app under darkness in his hallway cupboard watching shippings every move so decided against it with a slight chuckle .

We arrived at the chosen place after 2 hrs and first drift we were into the fish , the weather was glorious sunshine but would freeze the brass ones off a monkey. After 4 hours of pulling fish out of 250ft of water our arms felt like they had become detached and didn't work any more so time to chuck the anchor in.

Within minutes we were into fish first a conger to me the a nice spur dog to Nigel then for an hour we had fish on all the time, we had 12 bullhuss 6 of which were doubles the best to me which was one of 13.2 with congers and dogs to boot. Slack water came and the three of us agreed the time had come to head for home without even saying a word to each other with are newly acquired suntans . Nigel looked as though he was ready for a boost start from a defibrillator and foxy just looked knackered from running round with his bloody go pro making us dizzy.

So the day ended with 50-60 pollock and a great session at slack water with the best bullhuss fishing we'd ever had so we will return .


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