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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went for a day out with my brother and his son in law, he hadn't been out for a while so we tried for some bream to start with.
Tried for some mackerel for bait and had a few but no massive numbers.
Anchored the mark and bites started before all rods were baited!
Bream to a decent size were there along with plenty on pout, poor cod, LSD, red gurnard, wrasse, very small conger and smoothounds.
I put a live mackerel on just in case a bass was about but it was bitten off by a tope, so a thicker trace and another mackerel so the others could have some fun with a tope, didn't take long and soon the rod was bent over taking line!
Gary takes the rod and has a bit of fun bringing in a lively tope, in the boat to unhook and it's got the hook in its mouth from earlier!!
Both hooks returned a couple of photos for them and it goes back.
I put a live pout on another rod and soon there was interest and Dan takes the rod and he pulls in a female undulate Ray which was a mission for a carp fisherman against the tide!! ;) Weighed in at 14 1/2lb.
We had a few like that and a male with very distinctive black marks around the tip of the nose and along its wing tips.
A little later a nice bite on the bream rod and a ray eventually to the boat and it's the same male undulate you could still see where the first hook had been!!

When the tide died we decided for a drift down the Swash for a plaice with Kev and Jacobs leftover worms as ours were not very good yesterday, theirs worked as we had a couple of keepers.

A nice mixed day with plenty of fish to keep the smiles on their faces along with the sun tan, I leant Dan some sun glasses and when he took them off when we got back I suspect he maybe getting some stick at work today!! ;). ;)




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