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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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On the solent forum they have a maps of areas and red dots which show specific spots and when you hover your pointer of the dot, it tells you bottom conditions and what fish to expect. Is this something we could do could have map showing poole bay for example and dots on areas and brief description of:- depth, bottom, season to target commonly caught species? This would give people a chance to see where the slate beds are or spoil ground or poole patch and a chance for them to explore them and target the species that are there? We could also have links to catch reports from those areas? so you could hover over the slate beds and see links to catch reports to see what people have caught there?


Any thoughts?




As new to the area in both fishing and living, it sounds a great idea.


In fact some of the marks in the Solent, West side and South side were given by me to the site as I got them out of an old fishing book and are well know to the locals.


It is then down to the skill (?) luck of the person to catch a fish unsure.gif


Any help I can get to start with would be great, I understand certain GPS numbers are a closely guarded secret. ph34r.gif







Dave, are you looking to fish the Solent this season?? Many excellent Ray and Bass marks are minutes away from Lymo, not to mention marks producing British Boat Caught Stingers. You have my numbers chap.




Old Hugh Stoker's books are a nice read, but so are Hans Christian Anderson's !. Perhaps 45yrs ago when he described them they were good prolific marks, But when I first tried them 35 years ago they had less fish than than when he wrote them. Yes ,the marks are still there but many of the fish are long gone....Sad but true, this is what happens when you become an old fart...jack


I have one of Hugh Stokers old books - a lovely read!....takes you back to the golden old days...


The river mouth at Beaulieu is full of Stingray during late summer early autum...they gather their to bask in the warm shallow muddy bottomed waters...thats where I caught mine last year.

Guest fish finger

The map sounds like a good idea to get people started fishing in the area. I would love to catch a stingray in the summer. I suppose beaulieu isn't too far from christchurch.



Dave, are you looking to fish the Solent this season?? Many excellent Ray and Bass marks are minutes away from Lymo, not to mention marks producing British Boat Caught Stingers. You have my numbers chap.



Hi Rich


I sure am tongue.gif


Fancy a trip out? Stupid question I know laugh.giflaugh.gif


Will call nearer the time and WHEN I get a free pass! sad.gif





You're on Dave........Kam, try nudging Sweet Honey close inshore near to Lordy's Bungalow that is clearly visible near to Park Shore. Also the area in the vicinity of the Sowley Boom offers excellent stinger fishing. There is, apparently, a knack to catching these blighters close in, I'm still working on my source to finding this out!!


Rich.......Stinger-less last season!!!! dry.gif


Many excellent Ray and Bass marks are minutes away from Lymo, not to mention marks producing British Boat Caught Stingers.


Rich, I would be interested in knowing where some of these excellent Bass marks are - only managed the one from Lymington last year !


Also did you mean to say british record boat caught stinger ?


sounds a good idea,ive never fished up there i dont think cant remember [ bad memory]


im going to ask mum for tips for catching stingers seen as she caught a 35lb one much to dads dissapointment who had been fishing for rays all day.


tight lines sam




Trailaway to Lymington ( like last year ) and Beaulieu is a short steam ( longer for some weep.gif ) although I notice Beaulieu has a slipway as well - have you tried that one yet Kam ?


Lymington is more convenient for me being closer than Poole/Baiter but I have no idea where all the marks are and when the best time to fish them is.


For now I will stick to Christchurch/Wick as cheaper than Lymington and I know, roughly, where the marks are.


Def. looking forward to the smoothhound fishing out of Lymington though.



Anyway - back to the topic of this thread - It is a good idea to have a map like Solent site - I just need to work out how to do it ! ( and need some input as to where the marks are - send me all the GPS co-ordinates of your best marks and I will do one biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif )



Paul, the record was actually caught from the shore, and the best type of stinger fishing around that area, is to almost ground the boat!! You can almost see the fish moving!


For Bass, try the area at the mouth of Beauliea River, around Sea Gull Island, but this is a bit iffy at low water. Large Bass appear off the old Lookout cottage, on Lepe Beach, fish over the gravel run where the outflow can be seen from the shore. Theyre regularly caught form the shore here, some going over the elusive ten. Steam back towards Calshot, and look for the showings of water moving over the gravel bank, known as stone point, I think, drift over this in flood, with worms....jelly or raggies, and you will deffo pick up schoolies here.


Kam, unlike any other river in the country, The Lord actually has ownership of the river bed, not the sovreign, as she does in all other places, thats why there is private fishing all up the river, but as far as I'm aware, you can fish off Park Shore. Its just the beach that is private, as is the beach between Lepe and Calshot. We've had Thornies off the end of Lepe, historically, nothing big, but it shows they are there. There is a bank which should show on your finder, we used to WADE out to it with a long line......back in the days when men were men and women were glad of it!! This is where we took plaice, flounder, bass, and thornies on Long lines baited with rag.


Hope this helps. If you want me to show you, let me know when you are launching sweet honey, I'll crew for you.






You are a star, anytime you fancy a Solent trip then let me know or if Sweet Honey wants some company then I would be happy to tag along in Neo with either Helen, Elaine or even Sam as crew.







  • 1 month later...
On the solent forum they have a maps of areas and red dots which show specific spots and when you hover your pointer of the dot, it tells you bottom conditions and what fish to expect. Is this something we could do could have map showing poole bay for example and dots on areas and brief description of:- depth, bottom, season to target commonly caught species? This would give people a chance to see where the slate beds are or spoil ground or poole patch and a chance for them to explore them and target the species that are there? We could also have links to catch reports from those areas? so you could hover over the slate beds and see links to catch reports to see what people have caught there?


Any thoughts?

Hi Paul


Did you manage to get anywhere with an interactive fishing map?







Well, I started ( learning how its done ). But haven't had the time at the moment.

If you are offering ...( or anyone else fancies doing one ) then feel free !!


I will just get the alderney photo album together first and will take another look.



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