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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Looking forward to the Weymouth trip to the Shambles, I would value some advice. I have seen posts regarding weights for slowing the drift and, having never fished this area, or indeed this style of fishing, I would like to know the sort of weight required. I have an old scales weight, with useful handle incorporated, which weighs 26lb (11.8kg). Would this be sufficient if attached directly to a 10mm warp? This would be on a 16ft boat.


Sounds almost perfect to me - apart from maybe too much weight ( I would have thought around 10-15 lb ideal for 16ft boat ) ? I have been trying to get something like this for myself. You haven't got a spare one by any chance smile.gif


I was using an old speedboat anchor ( folding type ) but it spins in the drift and actually unravelled the old polyprop rope I was using to drag it with ( wasnt going to use my nice anchor warp for that job ).


Fished the shambles yesterday......they boat was drifted BELOW one knot, most drifts took fish. All types of rigs caught, brighter beads out fished darker beads, either with or without spoons. Baut was raggs and a strip of squid, I tipped mine with razor, and did better than some of the others on board.




Interesting Rich. I noticed also that we only started catching when the drift speed was around 0.6 knots ( as shown on GPS ). This seems to concur with your experience.




Yes please to the spare brake disc.




Paul, yes I will bring it down with me on the day. It's about 6kg in weigh.


Martin, I have also 2 more @ 6kg each if you want them you can have them.


The only thing I would advice is that due to them being disc and has a sharp(ish) edge, I would either use a piece of short chain or sleeve the rope with a short length of garden hose to provide cut.

smile.gif Thanks for all that, chaps. The disc sounds a good idea, I've got 2 or 3 laying about the workshop. Paul, if you want a weight that size, let me know and I'll bring one down.

If you have one going spare Terry I will take you up on the offer


I notice Kam has offered a spare disc as well.

Disc or scale weight will do nicely ( and I am sure that there are others who need weights to drag also ).


My boat is in for outboard repair on thye Saturday before the Shambles trip, so hopefully will be ready for the Shambles trip.






Martin, size wise, unfortunately V poor, and I'm sorry to report that most anglers fishing this comp on Top Kat kept a few plaice, despite them being internationals, and all fish boated in poor, poor condition. All mine went around the two pound mark, very skinny, but all gorging on miniscule sandeels. Two Dabs were boated, Dabs didnt count, but they were eaters.....yes......they threw them back! What is it about anglers thinking all fish go on the table????


My terminal rig was larger oval fluero beads, alongside red beads, size 2 worm hook, from Mike @ UK-Hooks .co.uk......great value.....great tackle...theres the plug Mike! Other anglers were using three hook rigs, as three hooks were allowed in the rules, I stuck to the simple one hook rig...my thoughts being less to tangle! It worked for me! Billy Did V well, I think his tally was 7, his best fish far larger than mine...nice one Bill.


On getting bites, I asked Ivan what speed we were travelling across the grounds at, the reply on each occasion was about 3/4 of a knot. Hope this helps guys.



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