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OK, So i've been dreaming of breaming lately......and for the last few years noticed the patches seem to produce early on , then die off really quickly.


last May, as soon as the patches started to produce, they were swamped with charters and anything that floats - giving the early bream a right hammering. did this have any effect ?


So, if faced with the decision over which ones to keep for the table, should it be the females or males. were the males the silvery coloured ones, with the females having the fantastic irredescent blue markings - is this the right way round?


And do they arrive ready to spawn, dump their load and up swims any old mate, or is there some paring up beforehand and are we doing them any favours taking the males away. I suppose there are more males than females, so are there enough to go round ?


I'm sure someone will enlighten me.




I believe the males arrive before the females, dig out a nest to lure the female to. He guards this site ferrociously. After spawning, they tend to hang around a while....as far as table fish are concerned, please please put back the larger fish....these are all the mature guys and girls who will ensure our stocks return the following season.





Do you know the difference between the M and the F's - also being conservation minded - I dont fish that often to make any real impact on the stocks, but its a state of mind to only take what you need, and is it worth discriminating between male and female fish, i.e the ones full of roe should go back.


I thought they were the brightly coloured ones. But couldnt remember. I've a feeling the colour dissapears after spawning.






As in most walks of nature - the males are the most pretty/handsome/impressive ones - (apart from humans!)


Keep the males, and return the dull (but full of roe!) females.




During the breeding cycle, I will be practising a catch and release theme, at the end of the day, the bream season will go on for a while, the breeding season is short.


Conservation...the best policy for me, although, its a personal choice.



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