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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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No offence to the guys who own these boats - but after you have called them 3 three times on the radio, you begin to wonder if they are a 'bit' stupid!


Loyal Royal - calling Mark on the VHF is like playing red lorry, yellow lorry!


Splash-Out - Bob has the tongue twister when signing off the VHF - Splash Out - Out...


Anyway, who am I to jest - the guy whose boat name states the bl^&dy obvious!! tongue.gif


One of my favourites is the name ' this way up' written upside down on the hull!


My mate had a yacht called " Passing Wind "


Always thought the name " Sea Lance " should create a bit of hush on the VHF


Saw a boat in Bristol channel called " Llamedos " , sounds like a greek island till you work out to read it backwards/mirror. Great name !!!


I am now reminded of 'Airplane' the movie.........


Captain Over, Roger Roger the co pilot etc

Which moves you on to calling ones boat 'Past' as in 'Past' over?



or even paired boats as in 'Hunky' and 'Dory'


However on a slightly more serious note, I HATE it when people call a boat a silly rude name. Boats are such graceful and lovely things and to spoil such beauty by calling it summat obscene no matter how cleaverly is at the 'minger' end of chav.


Mad Mike




Interesting the Llamedos name. I work on postal stuff at the moment and there are people who have houses called by that name and indeed some houses are called Llamekcuf .....


I just love the thought of some old ladies walking past remarking on what a lovely name that quaint house has smile.gif



We chose NEO for the boat because I am mean and it saves money on the lettering laugh.giflaugh.gif



I wanted to call my boat "Shy Torque" when I built her but the boss would not let that happen.


Peter had simular with "Shy Talk"


We had one at the Club called "Bone Idol"


and another owned by the proprietor of several shoe shops which is called "Cobblers"


There was one at Lake Yard called P.O.E.T S

p*** off early tomorrows Saturday






Feeling really daft now as I always wondered why Pete JNR had called his boat Shytalk - I used to keep thinking that he doesn't seem particularily shy !!




Well my boat previously known as PEACHY (gay or what) now has an even worse name. We were toying with Thunder Child but now she has finally been christened 'ORFOLK 'IGGY ....... now thats proper sad biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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