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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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No trip out for me today.


After having the boat tilted on removal from the drystack to drain the small amount of water that collects via the bung

I got to the boat and found both batteries flat not even enough to energise the starter motor with both in parallel..


The battery compartments had about 200mm of water showing in them. Highest I have ever seen normally no more than about 20mm showing at the bottom of the intermediate deck so I reckon the water must have found a way to drain the batteries.


I pumped out 6 gorilla tubs worth of rain water and can only surmise it's getting in via breathers underneath the foredeck where the original fuel tank used to fit and a possible leaky inspection hatch in the deck. We did have a lot of rain earlier in the week.


The main Bilge pump had no effect on reducing the level as the rainwater  was contained within a higher deck  level in the boat and needed pumping out separately (I only found this out today!!)

Removed batteries and opened internal hatches/covers to get everything dried out.

Back down Thursday to have a second attempt at Dangling and further leak investigations😥




I haev one of these for JoJo, peace of mind when she is on a mooring: https://www.amazon.co.uk/XCSOURCE-GPS303-H-Anti-theft-Motorcycle-MA1014/dp/B01N0K7R0M


I use the SMS GPS trackign function. However, it also will alert in the internal battery gets low - which would be a consequence of the 12v power source is failing. Also, there is an option for door open triggers - i am sure this coudd be used to monitor water level via a float switch , your existing switches.


Power drain coudl be offset via a solar panel?  I need to power mine up to ensure sim stays active - i shall measure the power drain.


Food for thought perhaps?




Good idea Rob.

I have a 2 battery system which I partially isolate via the main isolator when I leave boat each time .

I say partially because battery 2 has a permanent feed via a fuse to my heating system/ timer. and battery 1 has a permanent feed via a switch and fuse to the VHF which I separately switch off .

Generally the digital timer doesn't really load the battery much and I never use the heater on automatic  so there is ample reserve in a second feed off battery 1 via switch and fuse and I could easily rig a float to one of those tracker units.

Food for thought and another job to look forward to

Ah the joys of being a boat owner.😁


Always something isn't there Pete. Last trip down I, one of my trim tabs fell apart so will be coming down this week to sort it, hopefully. If it doesn't take long, I will have a run out again, probably Friday.


Pete, on testing it appeared to use 0.03 amps and when a call comes it to it and it replies it spikes to 0.05 amps.


So 120hr leisure battery should be half drained (reasonable amount) in c.80 days.




A solar panel and charge regulator is probably one of the best investments i have ever made. Destroyed two batteries before i fixed the problem. Plus the cost has come down significantly in recent years.


Now the battery is always full when i come back to it.


one of these kinds of controllers works a treat, and can charge two battery setups.





i've looked at the tracker option and it isn't really a goer for me unless unless i can reduce the dial out times to 1 or 2 times per day.

Security isn't an issue  as boat is on top level of drystack and neither is battery charge level normally as i take batteries out if i know i will not be using the boat for a while..

So only major issue is water ingress which i will do my best to resolve ASAP


Be interested to find out best/most economical solar and regulator solution for the dual battery setup though


Pete, my tracker can alert on a regular basis or be left to only alert if i call it. or if it moves 200m from where i left it, if if set it to do that - commands are sent via txt message.


Just ordered myself an ASDA sim for it as they seem to be one of the only PAYG sims that don't require a monthly \ regular top up - so £5 should last me a year or 2!





That's really useful info.

I was concerned about topping up sims .

Me and the missus have got a sim overload at the moment one for each of the following  BT(EE),giffgaff, 3 and vodaphone and the kids have got Tescos but I am trying to rationalise them .....Honest.

But the ASDA offer would definitely float my boat if you excuse the pun😁


Took the boat out today .All sorted (other than finding the damn leak)

Didn't realise it was Bournemouth airshow and was told they had a big exclusion zone virtually covering Poole Bay.

Whether true or not I decided to go  across to  the Swanage side.

Lovely weather but  fishing pretty c@@p only a couple of small black bream to show for it and only out for about 3 hours fishing time  but well worth it.

Plenty of aircraft movement ..well I heard them but didn't see much.


I will stay away from Poole this weekend as its going to be very busy  with boat movements and traffic heads up to all.

Be back down next week  and will make Thursdays meeting all being well

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