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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Given the forecast and given that I plan to be fishing tomorrow.......


What would be advised if out fishing and a thunderstorm approaches ?


Would you put the aerial down ?

Put the graphite fishing rod down ?

Steam home as fast as possible ( but storm would probably reach you before you could get back ) ?




Stand on the cabin roof, hold the vhf ariel in one hand and the rod in the other and point it towards the sky...it is good luck! ph34r.giftongue.gif


Seriously, I would recommend lowering the chf ariel and all rods and sitting it out - I would think you would be ok?...

I would think you would be ok?...

I'll let you know unsure.gifunsure.gif



Actually, I got electrocuted by lightning whilst fishing by the old 4 knots sign at Stanpit ( the big one ) about 10 years ago. Tip 1 - dont lean on the sign with fishing rod in one hand and electric storm in the distance - the current tracks a long way !?!




Wearing rubber soled shoes = some protection from lightning is in fact a myth. The voltage from lightning is that high that it will simply go straight around them.

Air is quite a good insulator yet lightning travels fine through it smile.gif




Paul tells us.....Actually, I got electrocuted by lightning


Ah! That explains a lot laugh.gif


I believe that a boat not anchored is safer than an one anchored as there is no direct contact through the chain/warp to earth. Deeper water is safer than shallow as the likely hood of the static charge rising to meet the electrical potential of the storm is greatly diminished. Whatever you do do not be aground in an area of mud flats.



Mad Mike

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