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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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That's a huge specimen LSD!!!!


Welcome to your June Sea Newsletter



Half Price Southampton Boat Show Tickets For Angling Trust Members!


Angling Trust members can save up to 50 per cent on tickets to this year’s Southampton Boat Show. Britain’s biggest and best festival of boating will be from September 13th-22nd 2019 and will be packed with boats, kayaks, fish finders and much, much more to excite anglers!


Click here to claim your 50% discount off tickets!


Have you been involved in science and management of fish stocks?


This survey is your chance to tell the government what your experience has been of being involved in fisheries science and management at a local, regional and national level. Brexit provides the opportunity to change this and the survey also considers how you would like to experience participation in future fisheries management. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say!



Click here to complete the survey

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Take Our Litter Survey!


Want to help keep your coasts clear of litter? Have views on the amount of litter in your waters, plastic packaging or fishing line recycling? The Angling Trust has launched a survey to find out your thoughts on litter in our fresh and marine waters and what can be done to help in your area.

Take the survey here


Bluefin Tuna Tagging 2019


The Thunnus UK bluefin tuna tagging programme details for 2019 have been announced. This year anglers have been invited to volunteer to be involved in the project which has expanded from the south west of England to the Celtic Sea off the Welsh coast. 

The team plan to tag 30 tuna over the course of the 2019 project which is now in its second season.


Highly Protected Marine Areas – New Announcements


This month the government announced a review into how and whether highly protected marine areas could be introduced in the seas around England. As the strongest form of marine protection, new Highly Protected Marine Areas could close off specific areas to any human activity with the potential to cause harm. The review is being lead by former Fisheries Minister and Angling Trust ambassador, Richard Benyon MP. The Angling Trust is working hard to ensure sea angling is represented during the review. The Angling Trust supports US-style marine protected areas which encourage recreational use.


National Small Boat Festival




The Angling Trust’s Wyvern Region will be holding the National Small Boat Angling Championships out of Salcombe in Devon on 7th and 8th September. With a total of £2,000 of prizes to be won it’s the event of the year for small boat anglers. Don’t miss out!

Find out more


Sussex Family Fishing days


Dates for this year’s Shoreham Harbour Family fishing days have been announced. They are: June 30th, July 28th, August 25th, September 22nd.


These phenomenally successful free fishing days book up quickly so if you want to get on the free charter boat trips from Shoreham Harbour book your places now. Email: sussexregion@anglingtrustsussexmarine.netCall: Reg Phillips on 07802 165892 for more.


Specimen Award Scheme




Sussex-based angler Simon Kay of the Specimen Hunters Angling Group, took the top spot in May with a cracking 25lb 8oz conger from the shore at Aldwick giving him a percentage of 170.




Joshua Johnson of Rodbenders SAC, caught a 12lb 9oz lesser spotted dogfish from the shore at Plymouth Hoe Foreland giving him a percentage of 146.43 and bagging him May’s Junior Specimen Fish and Fishing Megastore vouchers to spend.

For details of how to enter, click here


Species Hunt 2019-20 - Entries Now Open!


Entry is now open for the 2019-20 round of the Saltwater Species Hunt. We've had loads of new entrants this year and it's not too late to get involved. To enter email specieshunt@anglingtrust.net with your full name, postal address, date of birth and contact email address. Please also state if you are a new member.

Follow us on Instagram




David Mitchell, our Head of Marine, has been in Brussels this month exploring how the trade and Angling Trust can work together to help improve and protect the future of your fishing.


David attended EFTTEX, the European Tackle Trade Association’s annual expo where he met Robin Morley (Daiwa UK) Paul Devlin (Fishing Megastore) and Donna Harris (Bauer Media).


Four New British Records Confirmed!


Earlier this month the British record Fish Committee accepted four new British sea fish records:


  • Ray Edwards’s shore-caught 8lb 3oz Brill, caught from Chesil Beach
  • Kevin Copeland’s boat-caught 2lb 2oz  Almaco Jack, caught from a reef off Milford Haven
  • Jeff Fisk’s 214g Derbio caught from Chesil Beach
  • Gary Mitchell’s 23lb 2oz Spurdog caught from a South Devon shore mark.

Read more here


*** Species of the month: black bream ***


Black bream are a summer visitor to the UK and as well as looking great and fighting hard, they also taste great too! The firm, white, mild, flesh, similar to bass, works well baked, grilled or barbequed whole.  Black bream have small mouths and small hooks baited with squid or ragworm baits work well. Only take what you need for a meal. Stocks are not assessed but are considered to be vulnerable to overfishing due to nests of eggs being guarded by males after spawning. Check locally for minimum sizes and any other management measures.


The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more.

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