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Angling Trust getting around the Regions


We’ve been out and about this month meeting members and listening to their concerns. Forums were held in November in Cornwall, Portsmouth and Shoreham-by-Sea in West Sussex. A final forum for 2019 will be held in Brixham, Devon, on December 12th. The Angling Trust’s Marine Regions Coordinator, Nevin Hunter, will be organising more forums in the New Year at different locations. Keep your eyes out for news of these in future Sea Updates and if one is being held in your area, please come along. We’d love to hear from you.

Register for our free Sea Fishing Forum at Brixham


Good news for blues - bad news for makos


The future of UK blue shark angling looks a little more secure after ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, which also manages shark species) agreed science-based catch limits for both southern and northern blue shark stocks for the first time. However, the outlook for mako sharks is bleaker than ever. The EU and USA prioritised short term fishing interests and blocked calls by other ICCAT members for a ban on retaining short fin makos which are now critically endangered in the Atlantic. Read more


Where to recycle your line


Are you recycling your fishing line and spools? There are now hundreds of recycling bins located across the country where anglers can take their unwanted line. And if there's not one convenient to you, there's the option to post it. All the information about how to get involved can be found on the Anglers' National Line Recycling Scheme website. More info


Making your voice heard in Europe

Last week David Mitchell, the Angling Trust’s Head of Marine, went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg with colleagues from the European Anglers Alliance for the relaunch of the Forum on Recreational Fishing and the Aquatic Environment. EU legislation is increasingly including recreational fishing – but not in a positive way – and may continue to do so even after the UK leaves the EU. At the forum, David also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of shark fishing in South West England and Wales. Read the full story


East Anglian anger over REAF report

The Angling Trust has slammed the findings of the report from Renaissance of the East Anglian Fisheries (REAF) amid fears it is setting out to drive a wedge between commercial fishing and recreational sea angling interests in the region.

Read the Angling Trust's full response


Specimen Award Scheme: Luke and Rob our monthly winners

Congratulations to Luke Johns, of Castaway SAC, junior winner of this month's Specimen Award Scheme with a conger eel of 15lb 14oz from the shore at Minehead, which gave him a percentage of 127.08% for Area Q. Senior winner was Rob Stammas, of Specimen Hunters Angling Group, who caught a small eyed ray of 10lb 2oz from the shore at Witches Point, Glamorgan, which gave him a percentage of 202.5% for Area P. There were a total of 82 entries. Both win this month’s vouchers courtesy of Fishing Megastore.


Get Fishing in your Christmas stocking!


The Get Fishing ‘how to’ guide to coarse, sea and fly fishing has been a huge hit. Trout Fisherman magazine say “it is difficult to imagine a better presentation of angling to children than this”. The book has been written for children up to age 16 but has loads for beginner adults and families too. It would make a great present for anyone you want to encourage to give fishing a go. Find out more.


Matthew and Luke lead way


Matthew Phillips has opened up a six-point lead at the top of the seniors table with a whacking 58 species so far this year. Luke Bowerman is heading up the juniors with an impressive 43 species. Well done to both Matthew and Luke. Congratulations to Jason Warne who was this month’s specimen winner with a 13lb 8oz undulate ray taken from Sandown on the Isle of Wight.


'Manifesto for Angling' challenge to politicians

The Angling Trust has challenged politicians and political parties seeking election on December 12th to demonstrate their support for recreational fishing with the publication of a 2019 Manifesto for Angling. All the parties representing English constituencies in the House of Commons have been sent a copy of the manifesto and invited to indicate the extent of their support for angling.

Find out what the Manifesto for Angling calls for


Fish of the month: Whiting


The whiting are biting at this time of year. Whiting form a large part of sea anglers’ catches over autumn and winter – both from shore and boat. They are a member of the cod family and have firm white flesh which is perfect for fish pies, battering or turning into fish cakes. Small whiting are called ‘pin’ whiting due to their small, sharp, pin-like teeth, while along the south coast large specimens are called ‘Channel’ whiting. They are voracious feeders and will take many baits but lugworm is probably the most effective. The British records stand at 6lb 7oz from a boat, caught in 2012, and this 4lb 8oz specimen from the shore, caught in 2014.


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