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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Launched kayaks with friend from Durley Chine early Monday morning. Light north easterly at first. We headed out a half mile or so. Caught bream, mackeral and gurnard. Saw charter and pleasure fishing boats over Poole Patch on the horizon so paddled up and fished by them for a bit producing wrasse & pout to our species list along with a few more mackeral picked up on the paddle there and back.


Had lunch on the beach at 1pm. The wind then turned south westerly and a swell appeared. We became tired and started to feel a bit sea sick sick.gif with the swell so came back in after a few more hours.


Was a good day. Looking forward to getting back out there. smile.gif


Oh to be young and fit! sad.gif


Sounds like a nice day smile.gif


A little tip If you feel a bit sea sick pinch an earlobe*

hard with your nails. The pain disrupts the 'sick' message going to the brain and replaces it with an 'ouch' one, but it stops you feeling sick.


Another point* is a soft area on the inside of your wrist just after the line in your skin where the hand joins the arm. It's about a quarter to half an inch back from the hand/wrist joint. Press gently and/or massage.


* Both are acupuncture points


Mad Mike


What Mikey neglected to tell you, is that to stop a heaving sea sickness feeling, a six inch nail is required to penetrate this area of soft skin, the pain takes over, thus rendering a seasickness feeling in the depths of subconciousness!!!



  Paul J said:
So what your saying mike is "your being kind to your sick friend if you kick him in the nuts? rolleyes.gif


Paul J

So are you saying your nuts are between your ears or on your wrist? ohmy.gif


Mad Mike


Youtryandhelpablokean'wotappens?everyonetakesthebloodypi55that'swot mad.gif


Still think Strawberry sandwiches are the best thing for seasickness.


They don't stop you being sick, but it tastes better when it comes back up.


(the old ones are the best...) tongue.giftongue.gif



  Bob F said:
Still think Strawberry sandwiches are the best thing for seasickness.


They don't stop you being sick, but it tastes better when it comes back up.


(the old ones are the best...) tongue.giftongue.gif



Actualy Mr Smarty pants...... Try a fresh strawberry sandwich with a little freshly ground black pepper on the fruit.


Suprisingly appetising!


Mad Mike


Doesnt anyone take the good old sea legs no more? They work fine with me.....OK, not as scrummy as a strawberry sarnie, but its sure gotta be better than grinding black pepper on it. Every time I think of black pepper I start thinking of the old Hale and pace black pepper scetch


I find STUGERON great for sea-sick prevention. They dont taste,you can scrunch them and get them down during sick bouts if you forget beforehand.They dont cause drowsiness and NO awful dry mouth. [should be a REP me ].

Sir Francis Drake had the best cure of all......Stand under a tree ! ! ! ..jack


Doesnt anyone take the good old sea legs no more?

I dont as they worked wonders for my legs ie couldnt stand up in a rough see but I would carry on being sick sick.gif


I like Jack use Stugeron and have found them to work FOR ME.


If you find a tab that works for you stick with it.




The Boots own brand of tabs aren't too bad either, although I'm blessed with the ability to keep my breakkie down, whilst all those around me are losing theirs!! Its the bumpy ride at 36,000 feet I hate!! Mainly cos of the drop, although Ive been told that its the stopping at ground level that does the damage!!!!



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