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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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 Competition Winners 2019


Fish of the Month

January                                                Alun Jones                  Bass                               15lb 14oz        167%             

February                                              Yan Tryska                  Bull Huss                      11lb 12oz           98%             

March                                                  Charlie Chapman        Spurdog                         20lb 8oz          128%

April                                                    Alun Jones                  Ballan Wrasse                 4lb 6oz             88%             

May                                                     Steve Loftus               Sting Ray                       40lb 0oz          133% 

June                                                     Mike Pike                    Undulate Ray                15lb 6oz             96%             

July                                                      Mal Thomas                Blonde Ray                   26lb 0oz           113%

August                                                 Mike Fox                     Thick Lipped Mullet      4lb 11oz         110%

September                                           Mike Hall                    Black Bream                   3lb 12oz          107%             

October                                               Mal Thomas                Bass                                12lb 0oz          126%

November                                           Pete Smith                   Bass                                13lb 6oz          141%

December                                           Chris Witheford          Small Eyed Ray              17lb 10oz        160%


Trophy Winners

Bob Horne Memorial                          Dave Evans                             Flounder           2lb 3 1/4oz

Steve Chester Memorial                      Steve Scott                              Cod                   11lb 0oz 

Frank Fudge Memorial                       Yan Tryska                              Conger              55lb 0oz

Simon Hall Memorial                         Alun Jones                               Bass                  15lb 14oz

Junior Shield                                       Leo Burrow                            Scad                    1lb  3oz

Specimen Hunters Shield                    Yan Tryska                Avg; Countback 137%

Peter Peck – Chairman’s Award         TBA at Presentation

Ladies Shield                                       TBA at Presentation


Competition Winners

Bream Comp                                       Jan Tryska                   Black Bream                 2lb 10oz

Spring Species Hunt                           Allan Green / Jan Tryska                                   17 Species

48Hr Comp                                         Mike Hall                    Gilthead Bream              2lb 4oz                                    

B.A.S.S. Comp – Catch / Release      Steve Scott                  Bass                                6lb 5oz                       

Flatfish Comp                                     Frank Morris               Plaice                              2lb 8oz                       

Ray Comp                                          Trevor Thomas            Thornback Ray              13lb 2oz

Cod Comp                                          Steve Scott                   Cod                                11lb 0oz


Junior Comp                                    

Under 11 Winner     Blake Witheford                       

Over 11 Winner       Jacob Givens                 

Best Specimen         Leo Burrows               Scad                  1lb 3oz           79% 


Annual Species Hunt

First                                                     Fisheagle                     Allan Green                 44

Second                                                Kingfisher                   Chris Witheford           40

Third                                                   Loobie IV                    Jerry Shutter                38


Individual Species Hunt

First                             Allan Green     42       

Second                        Mal Thomas     34

Third                           Dave Evans      32


New Club Records

Jerry Shutter                Grey Gurnard                                15oz           54% Specimen

Steve Loftus                Sting Ray                                  40lb 0oz         133% Specimen

Chris Witheford          Small Eyed Ray                        17lb 10oz       160% Specimen


Specimen Hunters – 15 Anglers with 21 Fish 100% Specimen or over

Jan Tryska                           3            Countback    137%

Mal Thomas                        3            Countback    126%

Mick Pike                            2

Mike Hall                            2

Steve Loftus                        1

Alun Jones                          1

Bobi Francis                        1

Mike Fox                             1

Dave Evans                         1

Charlie Chapman                1

Terry Bartell                       1

Trevor Thomas                   1 

Allan Green                        1

Pete Smith                          1

Chris Witheford                 1


If there is anything anyone can see that is incorrect please PM me to check.


If previous winners can start returning their trophies either at the next club meetings or return to a committee member to allow them to be prepared for the Presentation Dinner and Dance.

25th April 2020 at Parkstone Golf Club. Book your places on separate thread, all members and their guests will be welcome to join in the celebrations.


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